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音标:[ zhānqiángùhòu ]  发音:  


  • look ahead into the future and back into the past; be overcautious and indecisive; look before and behind [after]; look fore and aft [forward and backward]; take into account both past experience and the situation that may possibly arise in the future; think over carefully before doing sth.; tread (as) on eggs; watch in front and behind; weigh one's steps by thinking of consequences


  • Look before you leap. do n't be so foolhardy ...
  • Do n't be overtaken by misgivings and fear. just go full stream ahead !
  • Look around before you change lanes . never be a bully
  • To improve yourself , have a vision and put it into practice . to serve society , be precise , thorough , and cautious
  • Admittedly , being cautious really matters . but if we always have to look ahead and behind before we take actions , nothing could be achieved
  • Admittedly being cautious really matters . but if we always have to look ahead and behind before we take actions , nothing can be done / achieved
    举例1 :诚然谨慎的确重要,但是如果在采取行动之前我们总是瞻前顾后,那么什么事也做不了。
  • ( my when we look through the past of our internal auditing , can we consider its future , and give the answer to the problem
  • Psychological maturity is along with the growth of the age one individual experience increases , had more comprehensive knowledge to the view of the thing , work also more " overcautious and indecisive "
    心理成熟是随年龄的增长一个人阅历增加,对事物的看法有了更为全面的熟悉,做事也更“瞻前顾后” 。
  • There are several insect pests and diseases breaking out simultaneously in xiangshui county in 1998 while rice is in the ear . for integrated controlling these pests effectively as well as using less manpower and cost . we took such measures as taking account of all the major heading pests , selecting the appropriate insecticides and fungicides at the same time only once , which reaches the goal of overall - control pests . all of these measures are well received by local peasants
  • Words can obliterating rewrite wrong , wrong can tear up the paint - painting , only road of life is not wrong path , and so we must carefully treated in every step of life , but it is not so our life journey indecisive stop where we are and also is not to say that wrong step will also be losers beyond redemption , life , more importantly , the will and tenacity and the courage to admit their mistakes attitude found wrong on restructuring life orientation and the way forward , successful road 10 million , clause roads lead to rome , as long as we persevere , and we will never give up , will eventually open a new path , converge , won the final success and happiness


  • 瞻前顾后的泰文
  • 瞻前顾后的法语:动 1.regarder devant et derrière soi;agir avec circonspection(précaution) 2.peser le pour et le contre;examiner la situation au présent et dans l'avenir
  • 瞻前顾后的日语:〈成〉 (1)後先をよく考える.事に当たって慎重である. (2)優柔不断である. 你这样瞻前顾后,必然会一事无成/君みたいに優柔不断では何事もできやしないよ.
  • 瞻前顾后的韩语:【성어】 앞뒤를 살피다; (1)사전에 매우 신중히 생각하다. (2)앞뒤를 너무 재어 우유부단하다. =[瞻头顾后] →[辞前挨后]
  • 瞻前顾后什么意思:zhān qián gù hòu 【解释】看看前面,又看看后面。形容做事之前考虑周密慎重。也形容顾虑太多,犹豫不决。 【出处】战国楚·屈原《离骚》:“瞻前而顾后兮,相观民之计极。” 【示例】有些事情看准了就马上去做,不要总是~,畏首畏尾。 【拼音码】zqgh 【灯谜面】走上步看下步不见中心;汽车反射镜 【用法】联合式;作谓语、状语;含贬义 【英文】look round the corne...
瞻前顾后的英文翻译,瞻前顾后英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译瞻前顾后,瞻前顾后的英文意思,瞻前顧后的英文瞻前顾后 meaning in English瞻前顧后的英文瞻前顾后怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。