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  • fernando alonso


  • Most praise should be directed to fernando alonso
  • Does he really have what it takes to get close to fernando alonso or kimi raikkonen
  • As he celebrated his first win on home turf , and the 100th for the renault - elf alliance , fernando alonso admitted : “ we had doubts before the start , but everything went perfectly
    费尔南多阿隆索在自己的家乡庆祝首场胜利,也即雷诺埃尔夫合作的第100场胜利时,他表示: “在比赛开始之前我们还有一些疑虑,但是一切都进行得很完美。
  • For much of san marino grand prix it looked as if michael schumacher was going to lose his lead to the flying fernando alonso - and that ferrari ' s resurgence might be over barely after it had started
  • Ferrari ' s kimi raikkonen narrowly beat mclaren ' s fernando alonso to pole position for the european grand prix on saturday , but the talking point of qualifying was the accident that befell championship leader lewis hamilton
  • Button ' s retirement just yards from the finish line allowed fisichella to claim fifth place , adding four points to the ten scored by team mate fernando alonso and boosting renault ' s lead in the constructors ' championship to 19 points
  • Renault now know they are going to have their work very much cut out maintaining their lead in the title race - while fernando alonso will be in no doubt that michael schumacher ' s dominant victory in the european grand prix presages a hard - fought race for the drivers ' championship
  • Giving such a chance to a relative unknown would be a huge risk for a team leader as cautious as ron dennis to take , but with raikkonen ' s future unclear and juan pablo montoya ' s contract showing little sign of being renewed , hamilton could be the ideal 2007 team mate for fernando alonso
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