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  • zampa


  • Palermo president maurizio zamparini admits they ' re ready to sell defender andrea barzagli to juventus
  • Udinese may not cash in on defender cristian zapata this summer , says his agent
    赞帕塔的经纪人说: “乌迪内斯可能不准备让他们的后卫赞帕塔在07年夏天套现” 。
  • “ i haven ' t recieved any offer from juventus , ” he insisted on studionews . “ it would all be different if barzagli himself had asked for a move
  • " udinese will only sell for a high price , particularly given the size of the clubs that are interested in the player .
    “乌迪内斯这么做仅仅是为了获得更高的报价,尤其是对那些对那些对赞帕塔有浓厚兴趣的俱乐部。 ”
  • Zamparini held talks with lazio counterpart claudio lotito yesterday and said : " andrea barzagli and christian zaccardo are not for sale
    赞帕里尼昨天和拉齐奥主席洛蒂托再次进行了会晤,之后,他说: "巴尔扎利和扎卡尔多是非卖品.
  • Palermo patron maurizio zamparini has spoken of difficult negotiations with lazio over stephen makinwa , andrea barzagli and christian zaccardo
  • President maurizio zamparini talked about his club palermo ' s transfer campaign , but did not miss the chance to discuss also the situation of rival clubs
  • " still , as the game went on , we constructed several chances in an attempt to win the game , but instead we lost the ball and zampagna thus claimed the winning goal
  • Palermo president maurizio zamparini is prepared to listen to offers for the italy international , who has admitted he ' s ready to move to a bigger club this summer
  • Palm beach county sheriff ' s detective don zumpano said : ” there were health risks with operating this type of facility outside of your house , ” adding that bean ' s workspace was “ filthy
    棕榈滩郡警署损员唐。赞帕诺说: “在家门口使用这一类型的工具行医隐藏着极大的卫生风险。 ”他还补充说比恩的工作室实在很“脏” 。
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