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音标:[ guòhéchāiqiáo ]  发音:  


  • burn the bridge after crossing it; be ungrateful and leave one's benefactor in the lurch; cast sb. aside when he has served one's purpose; discard one's helpers after their help is made use of; kick down [away; over] the ladder; kick out sb. after his services are no longer needed; one is hardly safely across the stream when one breaks down the bridge -- ungrateful.; remove the bridge after crossing the river -- leave one in the lurch; remove the plank after crossing the bridge


  • Don ' t burn bridges you may have to cross again
  • You vacation in my bungalow and now you go jump ship
  • To burn your bridges will jeopardize your future career
    过河拆桥的做人处事,将会影响到你的事业前途。 )
  • Once they ' ve all sampled you they ' ll toss you aside like a used rag
  • Did i burn some bridges
  • What is kha - beleth up to ? i needed those resources ! he ` s playing at " scorched earth " , the old cockroach
    卡贝勒斯打算干什么?我需要那些资源!竟然跟我玩“过河拆桥” ,这个老爬虫。
  • Americans would rather their president reminded them of someone they work with , he says , not the guy who laid them off


  • 过河拆桥的泰文
  • 过河拆桥的法语:ingratitude;après avoir traversé la rivière on détruit le pont.
  • 过河拆桥的日语:〈成〉川を渡り終えれば橋を壊す.自分の目的を達してしまうと世話になった人の恩を忘れるたとえ.自分だけうまくいくと後のことは顧みないたとえ.
  • 过河拆桥的韩语:【성어】 강을 건넌 뒤 다리를 부숴 버리다; 배은망덕하다. 목적을 이룬 뒤에는 도와 준 사람의 은공을 모르다. 不要过河拆桥, 事情一过就把人忘了; 다리를 건넌 뒤 그 다리를 부숴 버리듯, 일이 이루어진 뒤 곧 사람을 잊어서는 안 된다 =[过桥拆桥] [过河丢拐棍, 病好打太医] [过桥抽板]
  • 过河拆桥的俄语:[guòhé chāiqiáo] обр. отвечать [платить] чёрной неблагодарностью
  • 过河拆桥的阿拉伯语:حَرَقَ اَلسُّفُن; قَطَعَ اَلْجُسُور; قَطَعَ كُلّ عَلَاقَات;
  • 过河拆桥什么意思:guò hé chāi qiáo 【解释】自己过了河,便把桥拆掉。比喻达到目的后,就把帮助过自己的人一脚踢开。 【出处】元·康进之《李逵负棘》第三折:“你休得顺水推船,偏不许我过河拆桥。” 【示例】祥子受了那么多的累,~,老头子翻脸不认人,他们替祥子不平。(老舍《骆驼祥子》十四) 【拼音码】ghcq 【灯谜面】张飞撤退长坂坡 【用法】连动式;作谓语、宾语、分句;含贬义 【英文】kick ...
过河拆桥的英文翻译,过河拆桥英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译过河拆桥,过河拆桥的英文意思,過河拆橋的英文过河拆桥 meaning in English過河拆橋的英文过河拆桥怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。