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  • high resistance ground


  • When this fault is cutted off and the breaker is reclosed , this scheme ca n ' t start by mistake . the availability of this scheme is proved with matlab test . the single phase high - impedance grounding fault is settled properly
  • The devices have many merits . they can sensitively and reliably cut off all the faults occurring in the power system . even under the critical situation , faulting on the long heavy load transmission lines through high ground resistances , the criterion based on fault components still has considerable sensibility
  • By analyses and compares , the conclusion is that it would be better to choose high resistance grounding of distribution transformer for hydro turbine in hydro power station . there is no certain conclusion for steam turbine in fossil - fired power plant . getting a clear answer to choose good generator grounding mode still needs practice and time
  • Have studied generator ground model mostly used in detail for middle and big domestic generator units . calculates and deduces fault current as grounding of single phase and third harmonic fault protection schemes . first time contributes overall knowledge about generator neutral grounding of distribution transformer with secondary resistor , in which considered inductance of the transformer to people
  • However , some unique geographical characters , such as fire grounding , bamboo grounding and treetop grounding , can cause single phase high - impedance grounding fault frequently . since the voltage drops down very little and the voltage among three phases keeps symmetric , this fault increases the difficulty of the check on this fault
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