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音标:[ niǎohuì ]  发音:  


  • bill; neb


  • Fingernails are made from the same substance as a bird ' s beak
  • The beak of a bird acts as a shovel
  • The greatest attraction the spoonbills showing is their spoon like bills
  • The black - faced spoonbill is a large white wading bird with a distinctively shaped beak - looking like a spoon , or a pi pa
  • They have a strong mouth like a bird ' s beak9 ) that can cut through steel cables , and five pairs of arms , or tentacles10 )
  • The black - faced spoonbill is a large white wading bird with a distinctively shaped beak - looking like a spoon , or a pi pa . the facial skin is bare and black in colour - hence its name
  • These days even most creationists acknowledge that microevolution has been upheld by tests in the laboratory ( as in studies of cells , plants and fruit flies ) and in the field ( as in grant ' s studies of evolving beak shapes among gal pagos finches )
    现在甚至大多数创造论者都承认,微演化经得起实验室研究的考验(例如以细胞、植物、果蝇完成的实验) ,以及田野测验(像是葛兰特在加拉巴哥群岛上研究雀鸟喙嘴形状的演化) 。
  • Total cost per month is about 23 . 73 less than 1 . 00 a day ! canned pet - food costs about the same , but contains low ash mg diets included diseased meat , euthanized pet cats and dogs , road kills , poultry feathers , sweepings from milling room floors , dirt , fecal matter , diseased organs from operations , fur , beaks , drugs , litter . all is then " denatured " with carbolic acid , fuel oil , and or kerosene , with added flavor dye
    以上食谱总费用约每月23 . 73加币一天不到一元加币与普通宠物罐头食品的费用类似,但即使是低ash mg罐头也含有病死因注射而死和路上轧死的动物宠物的肉,还有家禽羽毛加工厂废渣污垢排泄物手术切除的病变器官动物皮毛鸟喙药物垃圾,全部经石碳酸处理过,还有燃料油煤油调味料及色素!
  • The call of the yellow - billed large hawk cuckoo is said to sound like brain - fever . it is sometimes repeated in a crescendo scale until it ends in a piercing scream , after which the bird is silent for a few minutes , before it resumes from another vantage point . the ringing voice fills the air on campus from late spring and throughout the summer


  • 鸟喙的泰文
  • 鸟喙的法语:Bec
  • 鸟喙的韩语:[명사] (1)새의 부리처럼 뾰족한 입. [입이 뾰족하면 탐욕스러운 면이 있다고 전해짐] 越王长颈鸟喙可与共患难, 不可以共处chǔ乐; 월나라 왕은 목이 길고 입이 새처럼 튀어나와, 환난을 함께 할 수는 있지만, 즐거움을 함께 할 수는 없다 (2)〈천문기상〉 유성(柳星).
  • 鸟喙的俄语:pinyin:niǎohuì 1) выпяченные губы (напоминающие птичий клюв); губастый 2) кит. астр. (то же, что柳宿) созвездие Лю (Ива)
  • 鸟喙的阿拉伯语:منقار;
  • 鸟喙的印尼文:paruh;
  • 鸟喙什么意思:  1.  鸟嘴。 常用来形容尖凸的人嘴。    ▶ 汉 班固 《白虎通‧圣人》: “ 颜回 重瞳, 皋陶 鸟喙。”    ▶ 北齐 刘昼 《新论‧命相》: “ 越王 勾践 , 长颈鸟喙, 非善终之象, 而 夏禹 亦长颈鸟喙。”    2.  星名。 参见“ 鸟注 ”。
鸟喙的英文翻译,鸟喙英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译鸟喙,鸟喙的英文意思,鳥喙的英文鸟喙 meaning in English鳥喙的英文鸟喙怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。