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a deadly disease中文是什么意思

用"a deadly disease"造句"a deadly disease"怎么读"a deadly disease" in a sentence


  • 绝证
  • 致命的病


  • 338 . cancer is a deadly disease
  • Cancer is a deadly disease
  • Cancer is a deadly disease
  • Who would have thought that such a lovely girl had just survived such a deadly disease
  • These usually include dhpp , which are all the major infectious diseases that affect puppies and also parvo which is a deadly disease of dogs , but especially of the young
    预防包括伤害幼犬的主要病毒dhpp和致死疾病,特别对于年轻犬危险更大的parvo 。
  • Is it possible ? even in theory ? for an organisation to work too hard for the benefit of humanity , or to devote too much money to the eradication of a deadly disease
  • Whether it is helping a polish child fight a deadly disease , assisting in creating a literacy program for indian women , or providing the opportunity of a lifetime to a scholar or group study exchange team member , you can be assured that your gift will touch the lives of people in your community or in another part of the world
用"a deadly disease"造句  
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