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a fatal disease中文是什么意思

用"a fatal disease"造句"a fatal disease"怎么读"a fatal disease" in a sentence


  • 致命的”


  • He's got land, you know; it's a fatal disease .
  • Aids, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, is usually a fatal disease which leaves the body unable to ward off infection .
  • Malignant glioma is currently a fatal disease
  • Sakutaro and aki are deeply with one another , but aki suffered from a fatal disease and passed away
  • Aids , acquired immune deficiency syndrome , is usually a fatal disease which leaves the body unable to ward off infection
    艾滋病? ?获得性免疫缺损综合症是一种使人体丧失免疫能力的通常致命的疾病。
  • Rabies is a fatal disease transmitted from animals to man mainly through dog bites . anyone who is bitten by a dog should promptly seek medical attention
  • " rabies is a fatal disease and can be transmitted from infected dogs to humans through dog bites , " an afcd spokesman said . " although hong kong has not found any local case of rabies in animals since 1987 , we should be vigilant and take the necessary precautionary measures
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