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absolute capacity中文是什么意思

用"absolute capacity"造句"absolute capacity"怎么读"absolute capacity" in a sentence


  • 绝对容量


  • Last october , prisoner numbers reached the all - time high - just 373 short of its absolute capacity
  • In order to that non - technical person can convert apparent capacity and absolute capacity conveniently , two quick and easy methods are presented
  • The prison reform trust study said the record jail population in england and wales of 77 , 774 could be passed in " a couple of months " . last october , prisoner numbers reached the all - time high - just 373 short of its absolute capacity
  • Secondly , according to the adsorption feature of gas on solid under high pressure , the relation between apparent capacity and absolute capacity is explained from different points . the defect of the conversion method used currently for apparent capacity and absolute capacity is pointed out . furthermore , the two new methods of determining absolute capacity are proposed for improving the test precision
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