brain lesion中文是什么意思
用"brain lesion"造句"brain lesion"怎么读"brain lesion" in a sentence
- 脑损伤
- "brain"中文翻译 n. 1.脑,〔pl.〕脑髓;〔俚语〕计算机;(导弹的) ...
- "lesion"中文翻译 n. 1.损害,损伤。 2.【医学】(机体、器官等的)损 ...
- "brain lesion generator" 中文翻译 : 脑损害测定发生器
- "brain lesion kit" 中文翻译 : 脑损伤器械包
- "brain-stem lesion syndrome" 中文翻译 : 脑干病变综合征; 脑干病变综合症
- "congenital lesion of brain" 中文翻译 : 先天性脑病损
- "excision of parasitic lesion of brain" 中文翻译 : 脑内寄生虫病损切除术
- "marsupialization of lesion of brain" 中文翻译 : 脑病损袋形缝术
- "lesion" 中文翻译 : n. 1.损害,损伤。 2.【医学】(机体、器官等的)损害。 focal lesion 病灶损害。 periodontal lesion 牙周损害。 vt. 损害,对…造成损伤[损害]。
- "be a brain" 中文翻译 : 有头脑,聪明的人
- "brain" 中文翻译 : n. 1.脑,〔pl.〕脑髓;〔俚语〕计算机;(导弹的)制导系统。 2.〔常 pl.〕智力,智能,智慧,脑力;头脑。 3.〔口语〕聪明人;〔口语〕〔pl.〕智囊,出谋划策者。 ★当作器官时用单数,当作物质时用复数。 be full of brains, have good [plenty of] brains 聪明,好脑筋。 man of brains 聪明人。 have no brains 没头脑,笨。 have a lucid brain 思路清晰,头脑清醒。 the brain of the conspiracy 阴谋的策划者。 electron brain〔俚语〕电脑,电子计算机。 beat [cudgel, pound, puzzle, rack] one's brains 绞脑汁,苦思。 beat one's brains out 拼命,竭力 (She beat her brains out studying. 她拼命用功)。 blow sb.'s brains out 使某人脑袋开花。 coin one's brains 想方设法挣钱。 get [have] (sth.) on thebrain 专心,全神贯注在(某事上)。 overtax one's brains 用脑过度。 pick [suck] sb.'s brains 采用〔窃取〕某人的主张〔想法,知识,研究成果等〕。 turn sb.'s brain 冲昏某人头脑,使自以为了不起。 water on the brain 脑水肿。 vt. 1.打破〔碎〕…的脑袋。 2.打…的头部。 brain bleed 1.脑(血管)出血。2.〔比喻〕人才流失。 adj. -less 没有头脑的,愚钝的,笨的。
- "brain to" 中文翻译 : 不仁道; 杜先生
- "in to brain" 中文翻译 : 进入脑海
- "on the brain" 中文翻译 : 大脑; 念念不忘, 着迷
- "the brain" 中文翻译 : 大脑
- "excavated lesion depressed lesion" 中文翻译 : 凹陷性病变
- "a precancerous lesion" 中文翻译 : 癌前期损害
- "achromatic lesion" 中文翻译 : 非染色质侵蚀; 非染色质损伤
- "acneform lesion" 中文翻译 : 痤疮样皮损
- "acute lesion" 中文翻译 : 急性损害
- "atherosclerotic lesion" 中文翻译 : 粥样硬化病变
- "benign lesion" 中文翻译 : 良性病变
- "biochemical lesion" 中文翻译 : 生化的损伤; 生物化学伤害
- "borderline lesion" 中文翻译 : 临界病变
- "bowel lesion" 中文翻译 : 肠的疾患
- Loss of the ability to read , usually caused by brain lesions
读字不能,失读症通常由脑损伤引起的对阅读能力的丧失 - Brain lesion generator
脑损害测定发生器 - Clinical study of minimally invasive ct - guided stereotactic surgery for brain lesions
引导微侵袭立体定向术在诊断颅内深部病变的应用 - Application of opening stereotactic micro - neurosurgical operation to treat epileptogenic small brain lesion
立体定向开放显微手术治疗脑内致痫小病灶 - Study of visual cognition antijamming ability of patients with brain lesions in conjunction of occipital and parietal lobes
顶枕结合部脑损伤患者视觉认知抗干扰能力研究 - Any number of congenital or early - life problems ? autism , hearing defects , brain lesions , social isolation ? can derail language development
据估计有百分之三至百分之七的孩子患有一种无法解释的选择性困难。 - Ok . that did not happen . no one needs to hear about it . i ' m having a breakdown . everyday psychotic episode , caused by a tumor , a brain lesion
好了,什么都没发生过。没有人会知道这个。这是我的幻觉。我的精神状况一团糟,因为由肿瘤压迫大脑产生的幻觉。 - The following issues surrounding research on this area that are of theoretical relevance and practical importance were addressed : ( 1 ) a theoretical model that would guide research into limb apraxia ; ( 2 ) assessment and analysis of error types involving observational descriptions of error patterns , manifestation of laterality effects of brain lesions , and kinematic analysis of spatio - temporal deficits ; ( 3 ) the pathological significance of body part as objects ( bpo ) and its relationship with limb apraxia ; and ( 4 ) remediation
本文章解析与学理和临床相关的文献,其内容包括以下四项:一、引导研究进行之理论模式;二、错误形式的评估与分析,包括以观察法所提供的说明、脑伤侧边对肢体性动作失用症状表现的影响,以及使用现代动作分析仪对该症状了解的重要性;三、以身体当作所要操控之物体的病理征状之意义,同时亦探讨该症状与失用症的关联;四、针对治疗手法加以着墨。 - The following issues surrounding research on this area that are of theoretical relevance and practical importance were addressed : ( 1 ) a theoretical model that would guide research into limb apraxia ; ( 2 ) assessment and analysis of error types involving observational descriptions of error patterns , manifestation of laterality effects of brain lesions , and kinematic analysis of spatio - temporal deficits ; ( 3 ) the pathological significance of body part as objects ( bpo ) and its relationship with limb apraxia ; and ( 4 ) remediation
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