| 种植园 plantation | 种植园主 plantation owner | 种植期 planting season | 种植机具 sowing and planting machiner... | 种植犁 deep plough | 种植计划 planting scheme | 种植面积 cultivated area | 种烟 cultivate tobacco tobacco | 种牛 bull kept for covering | 种牛痘 give or get smallpox vaccina... | 种田 till the land | 种畜 breeding stock | 种畜畜牧场 stud | 种痘 smallpox vaccination | 种痘针 vaccinostyle | 种痘预防天花 be vaccinated against smallp... | 种皮 testa | 种皮裂缝 germinal slit | 种种 all sorts of | 种类 kind | 种类繁多 a great variety | 种系 phylad | 种系发生 phylogeny | 种系型 phylotype | 结晶度 crystallinity |