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bus master中文是什么意思

用"bus master"造句"bus master"怎么读"bus master" in a sentence


  • 总线控制者
  • 总线主控器
  • 总线主设备


  • 6 x 32 bit pci bus master standard version 2 . 2 interface
    汇流排介面符合2 . 2标准
  • 3 pci bus master slots , agp 4x cnr port
    内置alc201 ac97 3d音效控制晶片
  • Multi threaded bus master
  • Multi threaded bus master
  • Design of logic control circuits , device driver and application of the high - speed data communication system based on pci bus are completed . with s5933 bus master ( dma ) , bidirectional and high - speed data transmission are realized
    本文完成了基于pci总线的双机高速数据通信系统的逻辑控制电路设计、驱动程序及应用程序的开发,实现了s5933总线主控( dma )方式的双向高速数据传输功能。
  • Fifo data channel of pci interface chip s5933 and approach of realizing pci bus master dma through the fifo is introduced in detail . the reason for choosing s5933 ' s fifo to transfer data at high speed is clarified . secondly , the design process of hardware is introduced
  • The petroleum hotel of guangzhou has a history of 18 years , located in guangzhou and stand in the flourishing location of future , close to the railway station of guangzhou , the near neighbour has long - distance bus master station and civil aviation authority , traffic very convenient , nearby have , flow , spend park , yuexiu park , blue garden , sun zhongshan s memorial hall , etc . have a rest in the good destination
  • The features of pci local bus , signal definition , command definition , bus operation and the addendum of the pci local bus specification , revision2 . 3 are introduced briefly at first . then the structure and function of plx pci 9656 pci bus mastering i / o accelerator are summarized including : pci 9656 ' s three data transfer modes ( direct master , direct slave , and dma ) and direct connection to three processor local bus types ( m mode , c mode . j mode )
    在简要介绍了pci总线的特点、 pci总线的信号、命令和操作规范、 pci总线的配置空间以及有关最新pci总线规范pci2 . 3里的一些新增和修改的内容之后,本文概述了plx公司的pci总线专用控制器pci9656结构和功能,并介绍了pci9656的发起者、从设备、 dma三种工作模式以及m 、 c 、 j三种局部总线接口方式。
用"bus master"造句  
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