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channel allocation中文是什么意思

用"channel allocation"造句"channel allocation"怎么读"channel allocation" in a sentence


  • 频道分配
  • 信道分配


  • Dynamic channel allocation dca
  • Adaptive channel allocation
  • Dynamic channel allocation
  • Performance analysis of dynamic channel allocation strategy on hierarchical cellular networks
  • This paper deals with the capacity of hybrid channel allocation ( hca ) over cdma network
  • A series of techniques which aim to increase the system capacity and some arithmetic on channel allocation are introduced in chapter 2 too
  • Analyzing fixed channel and dynamic channel we obtained the substantive capacities and brought them into an inhibitable equation for channel allocation proportion
  • A new optimized channel allocation scheme is proposed according to the model of idsm , and a control model of synchronization communication ( dscm ) is proposed based on the optimized channel allocation scheme , including server dscm and client dscm
    依据idsm模型,提出了一个新的优化信道分配方案,并在此基础上,提出了同步通信控制模型dscm ,包括服务器dscm模型和客户dscm模型。
  • In this thesis , the handover and channel assignment schemes in leo - mss are introduced and discussed deeply . on the basis of the integrated consideration on handover , channel allocation and resource reservation , the appropriate handover and allocation techniques are proposed so as to reduce the call blocking probability and handover failure probability . thus , the proposed schemes can improve the channel utilization efficiency and the system performance
    本文对低地球轨道( lowearthorbit , leo )卫星通信系统中的切换与信道分配策略作了较为深入的研究,将切换与信道分配、资源预留等因素综合考虑,采用合适的切换算法来降低呼叫阻塞率和切换失败率,提高资源利用率,从而改善系统性能。
  • In this thesis , the complicated temporal relationship and dynamic synchronization properties existed in multimedia in distributed multimedia system , and the problem of higher priority demands of key medium in application , and etc . are studied thoroughly ; the course of multimedia communication , the transmission characteristics and the synchronization requirements of multimedia objects , and the algorithms of channel allocation and synchronization transmission schedule in synchronization communication scheme , and etc . are studied deeply ; at the same time , the problems of multimedia synchronization control mechanism in the practical packet - switching networks and so on are studied too
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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