
ian wilmut中文是什么意思

  • 威尔姆特
  • 威尔穆特



  • 例句与用法
  • Dr ian wilmut , the brition responsible for cloning dolly , has joined the campaign against human cloning , saying it is too risky
  • The scientist who cloned dolly the sheep hijacked the idea for the experiment from his staff , it was claimed yesterday . professor ian wilmut , 63 , successfully created the world ' s first cloned mammal
  • “ three years ago we didn ' t think it could be done , " said ian wilmut after dolly ' s birth , one of the team from the roslin institute and pharmaceuticals company pharmaceutical proteins ltd ( ppl ) therapeutics ? both based in edinburgh ? which described their breakthrough in nature
    洛斯林研究所和医药蛋白有限公司的成员之一艾恩?威尔马特在多利诞生后说: “三年前我们没想到可以试验成功。
  • Scientists like ian wilmut at the roslin research institute near edinburgh , the man who cloned dolly the sheep , has warned that british expertise will go to america , where such work is legal , if the government does not give the go - ahead14
  • " successful cloning of an increasing number of species confirms the general impression that it would be possible to clone any mammalian species , including humans , " said ian wilmut , a reproductive biologist at the university of edinburgh who produced the first cloned mammal , dolly the sheep , from an adult cell nearly a decade ago
    爱丁堡大学再生生物学家伊恩维尔莫特称: “成功克隆越来越多的物种证明所有哺乳动物都是可能被克隆的,包括人类本身。 ”维尔莫特是第一个克隆哺乳动物的科学家, 10年前他成功利用成体细胞克隆了绵羊多莉。
  • " successful cloning of an increasing number of species confirms the general impression that it would be possible to clone any mammalian species including humans " said ian wilmut a reproductive biologist at the university of edinburgh who produced the first cloned mammal dolly the sheep from an adult cell nearly a decade ago
    维尔莫特称: “成功克隆越来越多的物种证明所有哺乳动物都是可能被克隆的,包括人类本身。 ”维尔莫特是第一个克隆哺乳动物的科学家, 10年前他成功利用成体细胞克隆了绵羊多莉。
  • 百科解释
"Ian Wilmut". World of Genetics.
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