respect n. 1.尊敬,尊重;〔pl.〕敬意,问候,请安。 2.注意,关心。 3.关系;着眼点,方面;细目。 4.〔古语〕偏袒;事由,动机,目的。 give one's respects to 向…致候。 have respect for 尊敬;尊重,重视。 have respect to 关心;筹划;与…有关系。 hold in respect 尊敬。 in all respects =in every respect 无论从哪方面[哪一点]来看;在各方面。 in no respect 无论在哪方面[哪一点]都不是…;完全不是…。 in respect that 因为…;如果考虑到…。 in respect to [of] 关于,就…来说,对…有影响的。 in that [this] respect 在那一[这一]方面。 no respect of persons with 对…无所偏袒。 pay one's respects to 向…请安,向…致敬〔常作反语用〕,拜望,拜访。 pay respect to 斟酌,考虑,关心。 send one's respects to 向…问候。 win the respect of all 处处受人尊敬。 with all respect for your opinion 你的意见很好;可是…。 with respect to =in respect to. without respect to [of] 不考虑…,不管…。 vt. 1.尊敬;尊重;不侵犯,不妨害。 2.注意,重视,关心。 3.关于。 respect sb.'s silence 尊重别人的沉默;不随便跟人谈话。 respect privileges [property, neutral territory] 尊重[或不侵犯]特权[所有权、中立地带]。 as respects 关于,说到。 respect oneself 自重。
My company is pretty good in that respect 我们公司在那方面就满好的。
In that respect his friend had greatly the advantage 从这一方面讲,他的朋友可比他高明了。
In that respect he was wrong 就那一点来说,他是错了。
Sato : yes , in that respect both kinds of sensors are the same 佐藤:对,在这个方面,两种传感器是相同的。
Besides , another dairy - girl was as good as she , it seemed , in that respect 另外,还有一个挤奶的姑娘在家世方面似乎和她不相上下。
Therefore , the overriding declaration must match the base class version in that respect as well 因此,重写声明在这方面也必须与基类版本匹配。
In that respect , one player who embodies the cavaliers identity is anderson varejao 从这一点来说,一个有打着骑士队烙记的球员是安德森?瓦莱乔。
L : this is our rock - bottom price , mr . li . no further concession can be made in that respect 这是我们的底层价格,李先生。没有进一步的让步在那尊敬可能被作出。
In that respect , you could say that men are finally starting to catch up with women , who have been suffering from eating disorders for decades 就这方面而言,你可以说男人终于开始赶上女人了,女性受饮食失调所苦已经有好几十年了。
I consider my book on bergson to be typical in that respect . and today there are people who laugh and reproach me for having written even on bergson 我认为我论柏克森的书就是典型这种情形。今天还有人嘲笑我评论柏克森,并略有微词。