
[ ɛə ] 发音:   用"air"造句
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  1. He was a london boy, with a loutish air .
  2. Open the window and let in some fresh air .
  3. The notes of the air throbbed deep and full .
  4. Mr. knightley's air is so remarkably good .
  5. She sighed for the air in the countryside .


  1. travel via aircraft; "air travel involves too much waiting in airports"; "if you''ve time to spare go by air"
    同义词:air travel, aviation
  2. a distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing; "an air of mystery"; "the house had a neglected air"; "an atmosphere of defeat pervaded the candidate''s headquarters"; "the place had an aura of romance"
    同义词:aura, atmosphere
  3. medium for radio and television broadcasting; "the program was on the air from 9 til midnight"; "the president used the airwaves to take his message to the people"
  4. a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence; "she was humming an air from Beethoven"
    同义词:tune, melody, strain, melodic line, line, melodic phrase
  5. the mass of air surrounding the Earth; "there was great heat as the comet entered the atmosphere"; "it was exposed to the air"
  6. the region above the ground; "her hand stopped in mid air"; "he threw the ball into the air"
  7. a slight wind (usually refreshing); "the breeze was cooled by the lake"; "as he waited he could feel the air on his neck"
    同义词:breeze, zephyr, gentle wind
  8. a mixture of gases (especially oxygen) required for breathing; the stuff that the wind consists of; "air pollution"; "a smell of chemicals in the air"; "open a window and let in some air"; "I need some fresh air"
  9. once thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles)
  1. expose to cool or cold air so as to cool or freshen; "air the old winter clothes"; "air out the smoke-filled rooms"
    同义词:vent, ventilate, air out
  2. expose to warm or heated air, so as to dry; "Air linen"
  3. make public; "She aired her opinions on welfare"
    同义词:publicize, publicise, bare
  4. broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television; "We cannot air this X-rated song"
    同义词:send, broadcast, beam, transmit
  5. be broadcast; "This show will air Saturdays at 2 P.M."
  6. expose to fresh air; "aerate your old sneakers"
    同义词:air out, aerate


AIR 可以是下列意思:



        airとは意味:1air n. (1) 空気, 大気; そよ風; 空中; 戸外; 流布; 制空権. 【動詞+】 ◆admit air (室内に)空気を入れる ◆beat the air 空を打つ, むだ骨を折る ◆The air conditioner was blowing cold air against my back. エアコンは私の背中に冷たい風を吹きつけていた ◆breathe foul air よご...
        air meaning: Noun: air    eh(r) A mixture of gases (especially oxygen) required for breathing; the stuff that the wind consists of "air pollution"; "a smell of chemicals in the ai...
        air en francaisn. air; souffle, vent; atmosphère; apparence, mine; mélodie v. aérer; tenir en l'air adj. aérien, relatif à l'air; matinal
        air artinya:hawa
        air 뜻:noun, 공기, 대기, 공중, 하늘, 산들바람, 선율, 가락, 노래, 모양, 태도
        air перевод:1) воздух; атмосфера; Ex: stale air затхлый возух; Ex: air current воздушное течение, воздушный поток, поток воздуха; ветер; Ex: in the air на воздухе, под открытым небом; Ex: to take the air поды...


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  6. air (or pneumatic) brake 什么意思
  7. air (or wind) tunnel 什么意思
  8. air = american institute for research 什么意思
  9. air a irator foam maker 什么意思
  10. air a isted airle raying machine 什么意思


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