Beyond the traditional kung fu themes , however , is the elaborate social subtext as allegorically represented by war - occupied shanghai in the 30s 李小与罗维再度合作,把功夫片的民族主义推到一个新的高潮。
These things are spoken allegorically , for these women are two covenants , one from mount sinai , bringing forth children unto slavery , which is hagar 24这些都是寓意:两个妇人就是两约,一个是出于西乃山,生子为奴,乃是夏甲。
This is allegorically speaking , for these women are two covenants : one proceeding from mount sinai bearing children who are to be slaves ; she is hagar 加4 : 24这都是比方那两个妇人、就是两约一约是出于西乃山、生子为奴、乃是夏甲。
Gal . 4 : 24 these things are spoken allegorically , for these women are two covenants , one from mount sinai , bringing forth children unto slavery , which is hagar 加四24这些都是寓意:两个妇人就是两约,一个是出于西乃山,生子为奴,乃是夏甲。
Allegorically , our protagonist becomes an everyman named brown , a " young " man , who will be aged in one night by an adventure that makes everyone in this world a fallen idol 同时,我们的主人公又象征着每一个叫布朗的年轻人,他终将一夜之间因偶遇事件觉得世界上每个人都变成坠落的白痴从而成熟起来。
allegoricallyとは意味:{副} : 寓意{ぐうい}[比喩{ひゆ}]的に、例え話として allegorically meaning: Adverb: allegorically `alu'gorik(u)lee In an allegorical manner "the play ended allegorically" See also: allegorical Encyclopedia: Allegorically allegorically en francais:adv. allégoriquement, sous forme d'allégorieallegorically перевод:1) аллегорически, иносказательно; в качестве аллегории