at the idea of中文什么意思

发音:   用"at the idea of"造句
  • idea:    n. 1.主意;念头;思想;计划,打算;意见。 2.想像 ...
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  1. May was enchanted at the idea of going to the country .
  2. He laughed accordingly at the idea of mr. arabin's modesty .
  3. Laurie was in a flutter of excitement at the idea of having company .
  4. Catherine ran wild with joy at the idea of welcoming her father back .
  5. We can see this point more clearly if we took briefly at the idea of communication .


        idea:    n. 1.主意;念头;思想;计划,打算;意见。 2.想像 ...
        idea:    n. 1.主意;念头;思想;计划,打算;意见。 2.想像,模糊想法。 3.【哲学】理念,理性概念,观念;【心理学】表像。 4.【音乐】主题,乐句,音型。 Eastern [Western] ideas 东方[西方]思想。 the general idea of an article 文章大意。 a good idea 好主意。 a man of ideas 足智多谋的人。 An idea struck me. 我想出了一个主意。 conceive an idea 起念头。 full of ideas 主意多。 Such an idea never occurred to me. 我从来没有这样想过。 the idea of such a thing! 多糊涂的想法! the young idea 小孩子的想法。 What is your idea 你的意见怎样? I have no idea (as to) what you mean. 我摸不清你的意思。 absolute idea 【哲学】绝对观念。 a fixed idea 固定观念;固执的想法。 an ideaoutline of [about] 关于…的设想。 in idea 想像上 (opp. in reality)。 put ideas in sb.'s head 使某人存奢望,使某人得意忘形。 run a way with the idea 不加考虑地附和某种意见,轻率地下结论。 That's the idea. 〔口语〕对了,就是这意思! 这行!这我同意! the big [grand, great] idea 〔美国〕〔往往表示讽刺〕高见,好主意。 What's the big idea 〔美国〕有何高见? The idea! 〔口语〕什么! 这!糊涂!〔表示愤怒、惊异、轻蔑〕。 upon an idea 心生一计。 What an idea! 〔口语〕什么话! 多么荒唐!
        a dominant idea is that:    一个比较好的注意是
        a fantastic idea:    荒诞的想法
        a fixed idea:    固定的观念或想法
        a fun idea:    有趣的念头
        a golden idea:    金点子
        a good idea:    一个好主意
        a muddled idea:    糊涂观念
        a novel idea:    新奇的想法
        a tentative idea:    初步设想
        a wicked idea:    坏心思
        a wild idea:    疯狂的主意
        absolute idea:    绝对观念
        acquired idea:    习得观念习得观念
        aesthetic idea:    美学设想
        aggregate idea:    集体观念
        ancestral idea:    宗族观念
        antiquated idea:    过时观念
        any idea:    有什么想法吗
        at the bare idea of:    一想起...就
        at the idea of = at the thought of:    一想到就…
        autochthonous idea:    自发观念; 自生观念
        be hot for the idea:    热衷于这个主意
        work on the idea of:    开始琢磨



  1. at the hospital 什么意思
  2. at the hospital local hospital 什么意思
  3. at the hotel 什么意思
  4. at the hotel room 什么意思
  5. at the hottest 什么意思
  6. at the idea of = at the thought of 什么意思
  7. at the information desk 什么意思
  8. at the inital stage of 什么意思
  9. at the initial stage of a disease 什么意思
  10. at the inn 什么意思



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