
发音:   用"back-calculation"造句
  • back:    n. 1.背,背部;背脊;背面,反面;背后,后部,后面, ...
  • calculation:    n. 1.计算,计算法。 2.推定,预测。 3.深思熟虑 ...
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  1. Chapter four basing on the analyze of the pavement bearing strength using winkler subsoil model , modulus back - calculation was done through the fwd dynamical basin
  2. Aimed at this property hi which the effect of visco - elastic parameters appeared in late period , this paper proposes that parameters are not adopted as basic ones to predict settlement unless this computed parameters are similar in the course of back - calculation
  3. According to the pavement structure dynamical analyze theory , the principle and process of the pavement modulus back - calculation have been discussed . the appliance ideas of the dynamical modulus among the pavement evaluation , the dynamical characteristic and correlative dynamical parameters of the cement concrete pavement surface , basement and subsoil have been investigated , and the contrast relationships between dynamical and static modulus of the cement concrete pavement have been established , and the evaluation standard of the structure layers " dynamical modulus of the cement concrete pavement has also been presented
  4. As to planar visco - elastic prediction of settlement , this paper fixes on range of the back - calculation parameters range , analyzes back - calculation parameters which are indispensably in the course of anti - analysis . since it is difficult to acquire the optimization result in simultaneous back - calculation , this paper puts forward a calculation method which combined with investigation data and field experiment data to minimize the parameters to get optimization
    ( 2 )针对二维粘弹性沉降预测,确定了模型反演参数的取值范围,对于多层软土地基变量同时反演很难获得最优解的问题,提出结合工程勘察和现场实验以减少参数的方法获得最优解。




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  2. back-breaking 什么意思
  3. back-burner 什么意思
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  7. back-cap 什么意思
  8. back-carry the bride 什么意思
  9. back-carrying reduction 什么意思
  10. back-carying reduction 什么意思


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