bond certificate中文什么意思

发音:   用"bond certificate"造句
债券, 公司债券
  • bond:    n. 〔废语〕农奴;奴隶。 adj. 被奴役的;奴隶的〔 ...
  • certificate:    n. 1.证明书;执照,凭照;(毕业)文凭。 2.证券, ...
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  1. There ' s only one reason thatwe wouldn ' t have any bond certificates
  2. There are no bond certificates
  3. A total of around 10 , 200 companies have participated in the clo cbo bond market , and bond certificates worth over 450 billion yen have already been issued
  4. In the case of issue of convertible company bonds , the face of the bond certificate shall be marked with the word " convertible , " and the number of convertible company bonds shall be specified in the company ' s record of bondholders
  5. If bearer company bonds are issued , the company ' s record of bondholders shall record the total value of such bonds , the interest rate thereon , the term thereof and the method for repayment , and the date of issue and the serial numbers of the bond certificates


  1. a certificate of debt (usually interest-bearing or discounted) that is issued by a government or corporation in order to raise money; the issuer is required to pay a fixed sum annually until maturity and then a fixed sum to repay the principal


        bond:    n. 〔废语〕农奴;奴隶。 adj. 被奴役的;奴隶的〔 ...
        certificate:    n. 1.证明书;执照,凭照;(毕业)文凭。 2.证券, ...
        certificate bond:    凭证式国债
        bond certificate; debenture certificate:    债券
        definitive bond or certificate:    正式债券或证明; 正式债券或证书
        a-certificate:    级(儿童不宜)3; 级(儿童不宜)
        a-certificate a:    级(儿童不宜)
        certificate:    n. 1.证明书;执照,凭照;(毕业)文凭。 2.证券,单据。 3.明证。 be married by certificate不依据宗教仪式结婚。 a health certificate健康证明书。 a leaving certificate 毕业[肄业;离职]证书。 a medical certificate诊断书。 a gold certificate〔美国〕金库券。 a certificate of birth [death] 出生[死亡]证。 a certificate of deposit 存款凭单。 a certificate of efficiency 工作能力(优良)鉴定书。 a certificate of measurement 【美商】木材尺寸检查证。 a certificate of merit 【美军】奖状。 a certificate of shares [stock] 记名股票。 a certificate of shipment 【英商】出口许可证。 a certificate of bravery 勇敢品质的明证。 vt. 发证明给…,批准;认可,鉴定。 a certificated teacher 鉴定合格的教员,正式教员。
        certificate of:    质量吻合证明
        bond:     bond1 n. 1.结合(物),结合力,黏合(剂),联结。 2.束缚,羁绊; 〔pl.〕 拘束;镣,铐。 3.契约,契约义务,盟约;同盟,联盟。 4.证券,公债,债券;借据;证券纸;(付款)保证书;保证人;【商业】海关扣存(待完税)。 5.【化学】键;【电学】耦合,固定;连结器,接头;【头】砌合;(砖等的)砌式;【铁路】轨条接线;【机械工程】焊接。 the bonds of friendship [matrimony] 友谊[婚姻]的纽带。 the bond between nations 国家间的同盟。 His word is as good as his bond. 他的话是极可靠的[像契约一样可靠]。 My word is my bond. 我是讲信用的。 a cross bond 【电学】交叉扎线。 treasury bonds 国库债券。 government bonds 公债。 war bond 国防公债。 brick bond 砌砖法。 ionic bond 【化学】离子键。 steel bond 铁粉结合器。 rail bond 导轨夹紧器。 break [sever] a bond 废除[中断]契约。 break the bond of (convention) 打破(成规)的束缚。 call a bond 收兑(债券)。 consolidated bond (英国发行的)统一公债。 enter into a bond (with) (与…)订约。 give bond for [to do sth.] 为…作担保[担保做某事]。 (goods) in bond (货物被海关)扣存关栈以待完税。 in bonds 被束缚着;被奴役;在拘留中。 take (the goods) out of bond (完税后)提出被海关扣存的(货物)。 vt. 1.以证券为(债务等)作保证抵押。 2.把(进口货)存入关栈以待完税。 3.【建筑】砌合(砖);黏着(水泥等);【化学】以化学键使结合在分子[结晶体]内。 4.使订契约。 n. -er 1.【无线电】联接器,结合器。 2.发债券者。 3.将货物存入关栈者。 4.【建筑】束石。 n. -ing 1. 黏合工艺;搭接。 2. 【电学】屏蔽接地;压焊。 n. 〔废语〕农奴;奴隶。 adj. 被奴役的;奴隶的〔多用作复合词,如 bond maid 女奴, bond(s) man 奴隶,农奴, bond woman 女奴,等〕。
        bond the:    联盟
        in bond:    保税仓库中的货物保税仓库内的保税仓库内的货物; 关栈交货价; 货物在关栈中尚未完税; 在关栈中
        t-bond:    美国长期国债
        the bond:    天涯同命鸟
        certificate certificate:    证书
        certificate; graduation certificate:    证明书
        life certificate permanent certificate:    终身证书
        b-bond bid bond:    投标书
        bond energy; bond strength:    键能
        bond lengths and bond energies:    键长和键能
        connected bond unblocked bond:    连通键
        registered bond and coupon bond:    记名债券及股息债券
        t-bond (treasury bond):    美国长期国债(期限为20年或30年)
        t-bond(treasury bond):    美国长期国债
        the bond of karma karma and the bond:    业结


        bond certificateとは意味:債券{さいけん}
        bond certificate meaning: Noun: bond certificate A certificate of debt (usually interest-bearing or discounted) that is issued by a government or corporation in order to raise money; the issuer is required to pay a fixe...
        bond certificate artinya:obligasi
        bond certificate переводфин. сертификат облигации, облигационный сертификат (обращающаяся ценная бумага, удостоверяющая владение облигацией; в сертификате обычно указывается имя владельца облигации, номинал облигац...


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  6. bond certificate; debenture certificate 什么意思
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