brain injury中文什么意思

发音:   用"brain injury"造句
  • brain:    n. 1.脑,〔pl.〕脑髓;〔俚语〕计算机;(导弹的) ...
  • injury:    n. 1.损害,毁坏,伤害。 2.伤害的行为。 3.受伤 ...
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  5. Tuixiangzi a game , said the brain injury


A brain injury is any injury occurring in the brain of a living organism. Brain injuries can be classified along several dimensions.


        brain:    n. 1.脑,〔pl.〕脑髓;〔俚语〕计算机;(导弹的) ...
        injury:    n. 1.损害,毁坏,伤害。 2.伤害的行为。 3.受伤 ...
        birth injury to brain:    产时脑损伤
        brain injury in newborn:    新生儿大脑损伤
        brain stem injury:    脑干损伤
        brain-stem injury:    脑干损伤
        chronic brain injury:    慢性脑损伤
        closed injury of brain:    闭合性脑损伤
        neonatal brain injury:    新生儿脑损伤
        primary brain stem injury:    脑干损伤
        primary brain-stem injury:    原发性脑干损伤
        secondary brain injury:    继发性脑损伤
        traumatic brain injury:    外伤性脑损伤
        be a brain:    有头脑,聪明的人
        brain:    n. 1.脑,〔pl.〕脑髓;〔俚语〕计算机;(导弹的)制导系统。 2.〔常 pl.〕智力,智能,智慧,脑力;头脑。 3.〔口语〕聪明人;〔口语〕〔pl.〕智囊,出谋划策者。 ★当作器官时用单数,当作物质时用复数。 be full of brains, have good [plenty of] brains 聪明,好脑筋。 man of brains 聪明人。 have no brains 没头脑,笨。 have a lucid brain 思路清晰,头脑清醒。 the brain of the conspiracy 阴谋的策划者。 electron brain〔俚语〕电脑,电子计算机。 beat [cudgel, pound, puzzle, rack] one's brains 绞脑汁,苦思。 beat one's brains out 拼命,竭力 (She beat her brains out studying. 她拼命用功)。 blow sb.'s brains out 使某人脑袋开花。 coin one's brains 想方设法挣钱。 get [have] (sth.) on thebrain 专心,全神贯注在(某事上)。 overtax one's brains 用脑过度。 pick [suck] sb.'s brains 采用〔窃取〕某人的主张〔想法,知识,研究成果等〕。 turn sb.'s brain 冲昏某人头脑,使自以为了不起。 water on the brain 脑水肿。 vt. 1.打破〔碎〕…的脑袋。 2.打…的头部。 brain bleed 1.脑(血管)出血。2.〔比喻〕人才流失。 adj. -less 没有头脑的,愚钝的,笨的。
        brain to:    不仁道; 杜先生
        in to brain:    进入脑海
        on the brain:    大脑; 念念不忘, 着迷
        the brain:    大脑
        injury:    n. 1.损害,毁坏,伤害。 2.伤害的行为。 3.受伤处。 suffer severe injuries 受重伤。 add insult to injury 伤害之外又加侮辱。 be an injury to 伤害…,危害…,对…有害。 do sb. an injury = do an injury to sb. 伤害某人。
        no injury:    没受伤
        - god on the brain:    头脑之神
        a brack-brain:    笨蛋
        a disease of the brain:    脑部疾患
        abnormalities of brain:    脑异常


        brain injuryとは意味:脳損傷{のう そんしょう}、脳外傷{のう がいしょう} This may be especially true for those individuals with brain injury. 上記は特に脳損傷患者に当てはまる。
        brain injury meaning:[Medicine] Acute and chronic (see also BRAIN INJURIES,CHRONIC) injuries to the brain,including the cerebral hemispheres,CEREBELLUM,and BRAIN STEM. Clinical manifestations depend on the nature of injur...
        brain injury перевод:черепно-мозговая травма


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