
n. 渗碳作用;汽化作用
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        carburattor:    汽化器;化油器;增碳器
        carburation of coal gasification and producer gas:    [化学 冶金] 气化煤和发生炉煤气的汽化
        carbure:    [网络] 化学
        carburating:    渗碳 ; 汽化
        carburesttor:    [机] 汽化器
        carburates:    渗碳 ; 汽化
        carburet(t)er,-retor:    [机]汽化器, 化油器; [化]增碳器; 特殊用法:; atmospheric control carburet(t)er; 气压控制汽化器; atomizing carburet(t)er; 喷雾式汽化器; automatic carburet(t)er; 自动汽化器; auxiliary jet carburet(t)er; 双嘴汽化器; bubbling carburet(t)er; 气泡式气化器; compensated carburet(t)er; 补整汽化器; concentrically built carburet(t)er; 同心式汽化器; constant level carburet(t)er; 恒定油位化油器; diaphragm carburet(t)er; 隔膜汽化器; down-draft carburet(t)er; 下吸式汽化器; duplex carburet(t)er; 复式化油器; economy-type carburet(t)er; 省油汽化器; elementary carburet(t)er; 简单化油器; ether carburet(t)er; 乙醚汽化器; evaporating carburet(t)er; 蒸发汽化器; exhaust-jacketed carburet(t)er; 废汽套预热的汽化器[化油器]; float -type carburet(t)er; 浮动式汽化器; flooded carburet(t)er; 溢流汽化器; injection carburet(t)er; 喷射式汽化器; inverted carburet(t)er; 倒置汽化器; mechanical carburet(t)er; 机力汽化器; metering pin carburet(t)er; 针塞式汽化器; multiple jet carburet(t)er; 多嘴汽化器; pressure fed carburet(t)er; 压力给油汽化器; priming carburet(t)er; 起动汽化器; reversing carburet(t)er; single-jet carburet(t)er; 单嘴汽化器; spray carburet(t)er; suction-type carburet(t)er; 吸收汽化器; updraft carburet(t)er; 上吸式化油器; water carburet(t)er; 化水器; wick carburet(t)er; 灯心式汽化器
        carburater:    汽化器;化油器;增碳器
        carburetants:    n. 增碳剂;碳化剂
        carburated:    渗碳 ; 汽化


  1. carburated 什么意思
  2. carburater 什么意思
  3. carburates 什么意思
  4. carburating 什么意思
  5. carburation of coal gasification and producer gas 什么意思
  6. carburattor 什么意思
  7. carbure 什么意思
  8. carburesttor 什么意思
  9. carburet(t)er,-retor 什么意思
  10. carburetants 什么意思


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