dynamic activity中文什么意思

发音:   用"dynamic activity"造句
  • dynamic:    adj. 1.动力的,动力学的;力学(上)的;动(态)的 ...
  • activity:    n. 1.活动;活跃;动作;活动力;能动性。 2.活性; ...
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  1. Npd can be decribed as the process of knowledge dynamic activity . 2 . knowledge mangement of npd includes knowledge activity control and mechanism , which influence npd performance
  2. As actions and procedures are concerned , the justification of criminal law embodies its dynamic activities . as results and bodies are concerned , it embodies the rationality of forbidding regulations in its stationary constitution
  3. In fact , the justification of criminal law is that justification embodies in its stationary and dynamic activities . justification appears in the form of essence and formula in stationary constitution , and activities in legislation and jurisdiction
  4. In addition to all the dynamic activities , fellow initiates arranged many programs related to spiritual cultivation , including sharing spiritual insights , enjoying a sand spa on the beach that relaxed both body and mind , singing spiritual songs , and watching inspirational movies
  5. The dissertation point out at length that the dynamic activities such as stratagem flexibility , organization network , operation synchronization are the main ways for the enterprises on the supply chain ? at the same time , through analyzing the stratagem conformity capability , organization harmony capability , operation control capability , studying innovation capability , the dissertation present the evaluation model of the capability system for the core enterprise



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  5. dynamic action staggering 什么意思
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  9. dynamic addre tra lation 什么意思
  10. dynamic address 什么意思


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