eminent domain中文什么意思

发音:   用"eminent domain"造句
  • eminent:    adj. 1.杰出的,卓越的。 2.著名的;显著的,突出 ...
  • domain:    n. 1.领土,版图;领地。 2.管区,势力圈;(特定动 ...
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  1. Agricultural-district laws adopted in several states involve combinations of the powers of taxation, spending, and eminent domain .
  2. This right is called eminent domain
  3. Right of eminent domain
  4. Power of eminent domain
  5. Eminent domain has traditionally been limited to the taking of land for public uses like roads , schools or bridges


  1. the right of the state to take private property for public use; the Fifth Amendment that was added to the Constitution of the United States requires that just compensation be made


Eminent domain (United States, the Philippines), compulsory purchase (United Kingdom, New Zealand, Ireland), resumption/compulsory acquisition (Australia), or expropriation (South Africa, Canada) is "the power to take private property for public use by a state, municipality, or private person or corporation authorized to exercise functions of public character, following the payment of just compensation to the owner of that property."eminent domain.


        eminent:    adj. 1.杰出的,卓越的。 2.著名的;显著的,突出 ...
        domain:    n. 1.领土,版图;领地。 2.管区,势力圈;(特定动 ...
        eminent domain proceeding:    私产征用程序; 征收程序
        power of eminent domain:    国家强制征用私人财产的权力; 土地征用权
        right (power) of eminent domain:    土地征用权
        right of eminent domain:    国家征用权; 土地征用权; 徵用权
        eminent:    adj. 1.杰出的,卓越的。 2.著名的;显著的,突出的。 eminent services 功勋卓著。 eminent statesman 杰出的政治家。 a man of eminent impartiality 大公无私的人。 be eminent as a speaker 以演说家著称。 adv. -ly
        eminent - undistinguished:    杰出的
        eminent cleavage:    极完全解理
        eminent monk:    高僧
        eminent person:    知名人士
        eminent physician:    医中翘楚
        eminent plaza:    明辉大厦
        eminent scholar:    魁士
        eminent souls:    社会名流。
        eminent victorians:    维多利亚女王时代四名人传
        eminent virtue:    特殊功效
        pre-eminent:    adj. 优秀的,杰出的,卓越的,显著的。 adv. -ly
        domain:    n. 1.领土,版图;领地。 2.管区,势力圈;(特定动物等的)生长圈;(学问、活动等的)领域,范围;【物理学】磁区,畴;【数学】域;整环。 3.产业,房地产;【法律】土地[产业]所有权。 4.【计算机】域名(= domain name)。 the domain of Great Britain 英国的版图。 the domain of science 科学领域。 Geography is not within my domain. 地理不是我的专长。 We enter the domain of the pine trees. 我们进入了松树生长带。 be out of one's domain 非其所长。 domain of use 【法律】地上权。 eminent domain 【法律】(国家对一切产业的)支配权,征用权。 -al,-nial adj. 1.属于某一领地[领域]的。 2.拥有领地的。
        the domain:    领地
        a great scholar and eminent talent:    洪儒硕彦
        an eminent architect:    杰出的建筑师
        an eminent historian:    杰出的历史学家
        assembly of eminent men:    名流的集会
        be eminent above the masses:    挺秀超群


        eminent domainとは意味:土地収用{とち しゅうよう} __ District Judge __ upheld the city's eminent domain rights at __ site. _地方裁判所の_判事は_敷地に対する市の収用権を支持した。 The school board decided to use the power of eminent domain to condemn land near t...
        eminent domain meaning: Noun: eminent domain    'emununt dow'meyn The right of the state to take private property for public use; the Fifth Amendment that was added to the Constitution of the United States r...
        eminent domain en francais:expropriation en faveur de la collectivité, nationalisation pour le bien général, saisie d'un bien en faveur de la communauté
        eminent domain artinya:hak perintah
        eminent domain 뜻:phrase, (법)토지 수용권
        eminent domain перевод:1) _юр. право государства на принудительное отчуждение частной собственности


  1. eminent 什么意思
  2. eminent - undistinguished 什么意思
  3. eminent citizens committee 什么意思
  4. eminent cleavage 什么意思
  5. eminent dom ain 什么意思
  6. eminent domain proceeding 什么意思
  7. eminent ecologist award 什么意思
  8. eminent man of ability 什么意思
  9. eminent monk 什么意思
  10. eminent monk jian zhen 什么意思


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