
[ 'fə:ðə ] 发音:   用"further"造句
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  1. The races can be further subdivided .
  2. There is no news about this matter so far .
  3. My waking character is far from sound .
  4. The actual cause awaits further investigation .
  5. The pace of further development is slow .


  1. to or at a greater distance in time or space (`farther'' is used more frequently than `further'' in this physical sense); "farther north"; "moved farther away"; "farther down the corridor"; "the practice may go back still farther to the Druids"; "went only three miles further"; "further in the future"
    同义词:farther, farther
  2. to or at a greater extent or degree or a more advanced stage (`further'' is used more often than `farther'' in this abstract sense); "further complicated by uncertainty about the future"; "let''s not discuss it further"; "nothing could be further from the truth"; "they are further along in their research than we expected"; "the application of the law was extended farther"; "he is going no farther in his studies"
    同义词:farther, farther
  3. in addition or furthermore; "if we further suppose"; "stated further that he would not cooperate with them"; "they are definitely coming; further, they should be here already"
  4. to or at a greater distance in time or space (`farther'' is used more frequently than `further'' in this physical sense); "farther north"; "moved farther away"; "farther down the corridor"; "the practice may go back still farther to the Druids"; "went only three miles further"; "further in the future"
    同义词:farther, farther
  5. to or at a greater extent or degree or a more advanced stage (`further'' is used more often than `farther'' in this abstract sense); "further complicated by uncertainty about the future"; "let''s not discuss it further"; "nothing could be further from the truth"; "they are further along in their research than we expected"; "the application of the law was extended farther"; "he is going no farther in his studies"
    同义词:farther, farther
  6. in addition or furthermore; "if we further suppose"; "stated further that he would not cooperate with them"; "they are definitely coming; further, they should be here already"
  1. more distant in especially degree; "nothing could be further from the truth"; "further from our expectations"; "farther from the truth"; "farther from our expectations"
  1. promote the growth of; "Foster our children''s well-being and education"
  2. contribute to the progress or growth of; "I am promoting the use of computers in the classroom"
    同义词:promote, advance, boost, encourage



        furtherとは意味:further adv. さらに遠く, さらに進んで. 【副詞】 ◆We must go a little further back in history to discover the origins. その起源を発見するにはもう少し歴史をさかのぼらねばならない. 【+前置詞】 ◆go further back in time 時をさらにさかのぼる ◆go further into the pa...
        further meaning: Adverb: further    furdhu(r) To or at a greater extent or degree or a more advanced stage ('further' is used more often than 'farther' in this abstract sense) "further complica...
        further en francaisv. faire avancer, encourager, assister, aider à- adj. plus loin, à l'autre bout, au fond; supplémentaire, en plus adv. plu...
        further artinya:. lebih lanjut
        further 뜻:adjective, adverb, vt, 더먼, 더멀리, 더욱, 나아가다, 조장, 게다가, 더먼, 그이상의, 뒤따른, 진행시키다, 조장하다
        further перевод:1) более отдаленный, дальний Ex: the further end of the village дальний конец деревни Ex: on the further side of the river на другой стороне реки 2) дальнейший, позднейший Ex: until further notice...


  1. furtenback 什么意思
  2. furterene 什么意思
  3. furterer 什么意思
  4. furth 什么意思
  5. furth im wald 什么意思
  6. further (d05) 什么意思
  7. further advance 什么意思
  8. further adventures of lad 什么意思
  9. further adventures of tennessee buck 什么意思
  10. further affidavit evidence 什么意思


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