An indemnity is a sum paid by A to B by way of compensation for a particular loss suffered by B. The indemnitor (A) may or may not be responsible for the loss suffered by the indemnitee (B).
indemnityとは意味:indemnity n. 賠償, 補償, 賠償金. 【動詞+】 ◆claim indemnity for sth あることに対して賠償を請求する ◆collect a large indemnity 多額の賠償金を取り立てる ◆concede an indemnity 賠償金を与える ◆We demand an appropriate indemnity. われわれは妥当な補償金を要求する ◆ex...indemnity meaning: Noun: indemnity in'demnitee Protection against future loss - insurance Legal exemption from liability for damages A sum of money paid in compensation for loss or inj...indemnity en francais:n. indemnité, dédommagementindemnity artinya:jaminanindemnity 뜻:noun, 보장, 배상, 변상, (형벌의)면책, 사면, 보장이 되는것, 보상금, (전승국이 요구하는)배상금indemnity перевод:1) гарантия от убытков, потерь Ex: a bond of indemnity гарантийное письмо 2) компенсация (убытков); возмещение (расходов) Ex: an indemnity for breach of a contract компенсация за нарушение договора...