it is fat中文什么意思

发音:   用"it is fat"造句
  • it:     it2 pron. (sing. Nom. ...
  • fat:    adj. 1.肥胖的,丰满的 (opp. lean, t ...
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  1. It is fat round his heart , a says
  2. The criteria for selecting a partition is that it is fat format filesystem with its
  3. And what the land is , whether it be fat or lean , whether there be wood therein , or not
  4. Due to the impact of planning economic system , our community organization is not like what it should be , there will be some phenomenon in the administrative management existed in the community in different level which became an outside unit , few residents take part in the construction and it is fat from the autonomy
  5. The object of this thesis for a master ' s degree is to study the existence of seasonality effect in shanghai and shenzhen a - share market . we use the return data of a - share indices ranging from july 21st , 1997 to the end of year 2000 to study this effect by employing five different asymmetric garch - m models . before the garch analysis this paper studied the detail in very detail and find that the data is not much different from the index returns from developed market : it is fat tailed , with high kurtosis
    本研究首先对选取的样本? ?中国的上海和深圳两个股票市场a -股综合指数1997年7月21日到2002年12月31日间1316个交易日的收益率的数据分别进行了深入的分析,发现沪深两市已经逐步趋于规范化,其指数收益率分布具有明显的尖峰、厚尾的特点;然后分别运用了ljung - boxq检验和增广的dick - fuller检验,发现所研究的两个市场的收益率都具有明显的自相关性,并且都是稳定序列;最后利用white异方差检验和arch性检验,证明了本文所研究的样本具有明显的异方差性和显著的arch效应,因此用自回归条件异方差模型来研究中国股市的季节效应非常合适。


        it:     it2 pron. (sing. Nom. ...
        fat:    adj. 1.肥胖的,丰满的 (opp. lean, t ...
        a-fat:    阿修罗(因为被人叫阿肥...)
        fat:    adj. 1.肥胖的,丰满的 (opp. lean, thin) 〔cf. stout〕; 多脂肪的,(肉等)肥的;(猪等)养肥了的。 2.(煤)含沥青的;〔美国〕(松等)树脂多的;黏性好的。 3.(土地等)肥沃的;(工作等)优厚的;收益多的,有利的,富裕的,兴旺的;(嗓音)圆润的;(香味)浓郁的。 4.【印刷】粗笔画的,黑体的。 5.迟钝的,愚钝的。 a fat dividend 优厚的红利。 fat [poor] lime 纯〔劣〕质石灰。 a fat salary 高薪。 Laugh and grow [be] fat. 心宽体胖。 fat soil 沃土。 a fat page (空白部分多,对印刷所)有利的版面。 a fat year 丰年。 a fat lot 〔口语〕〔反意语〕不多,少,一点也不 (You know a fat lot about it. 你一点儿也不懂)。 cut it (too) fat 〔俚语〕做得太过分;夸示。 cut up fat 〔俚语〕留下大笔遗产。 get [grow] fat 发胖。 have a fat chance of 〔俚语〕〔反意语〕机会不多,希望不大。 n. 1.肥肉 (opp. lean), 脂肪(质);油脂。 2.最好部分;优厚的工作。 3.【戏剧】要角。 4.肥胖。 5.养肥可供销售的食用动物;树脂多的树。 6.多余额,积余,储备。 7.〔俚语〕钱。 be somewhat inclined to fat 略为显得肥胖。 (All) the fat is in the fire. 1. 生米已成熟饭,事情已无可挽回。 2. 危机迫在眉捷。 chew the fat 〔俚语〕闲聊,嚼舌头。 fry the fat out of 〔美俚〕摊派勒索。 live on one's own fat 吃老本。 live on [eat] the fat of the land 极奢侈。 vt. 1.养肥 (out up). 2.用油脂处理(皮革)。 3.在…加入脂肪。 vi. 长肥。 kill the fatted calf for sb. 宰肥牛欢迎某人,热诚欢迎某人。 adj. -less ,-ly adv.,-ness n.
        fat fat:    文件分派表
        fat (oil and fat):    脂肪
        fat and fat replacers:    油脂及其替代品
        fat fat day:    肥肥日
        a fat cat:    暴发户; 肥猫
        a fat chance:    微小的机会
        a fat job:    肥缺
        a fat lot:    很少
        a fat lot of:    不, 毫不
        a fat salary:    收入颇丰
        accumulation of fat:    脂肪累积
        acetylated fat:    乙酰(化)脂肪; 乙酰脂肪
        animal fat:    动物油脂; 动物脂肪
        artificial fat:    人造油脂; 人造脂肪
        ass fat:    驴脂
        baby fat:    乳用犊体外表的脂肪; 婴儿肥
        back fat:    背膘; 背脂
        basting fat:    皮下脂肪; 在烤肉时涂抹在肉上的油脂
        bear fat:    熊脂
        beef fat:    牛脂肪, 牛油
        biscuit fat:    制饼干用油脂


  1. it is expected 什么意思
  2. it is expected that 什么意思
  3. it is expedient that 什么意思
  4. it is far from the truth 什么意思
  5. it is faraway to send to long for 什么意思
  6. it is five feet in width 什么意思
  7. it is five minutes to seven 什么意思
  8. it is five past one 什么意思
  9. it is five to two 什么意思
  10. it is for our descendants 什么意思


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