
[ dʒʌst ] 发音:   用"just"造句
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  1. I 'm not sure just what day he will leave .
  2. I was just going to speak, when the bell rang .
  3. George : have you just been to the cinema ?
  4. I told him not to go , but he just would n't listen .
  5. We only just missed having a nasty accident .


  1. free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception; conforming with established standards or rules; "a fair referee"; "fair deal"; "on a fair footing"; "a fair fight"; "by fair means or foul"
  2. fair to all parties as dictated by reason and conscience; "equitable treatment of all citizens"; "an equitable distribution of gifts among the children"
  3. used especially of what is legally or ethically right or proper or fitting; "a just and lasting peace"- A.Lincoln; "a kind and just man"; "a just reward"; "his just inheritance"
  1. only a very short time before; "they could barely hear the speaker"; "we hardly knew them"; "just missed being hit"; "had scarcely rung the bell when the door flew open"; "would have scarce arrived before she would have found some excuse to leave"- W.B.Yeats
    同义词:barely, hardly, scarcely, scarce, barely, hardly, scarcely, scarce
  2. exactly at this moment or the moment described; "we''ve just finished painting the walls, so don''t touch them";
  3. and nothing more; "I was merely asking"; "it is simply a matter of time"; "just a scratch"; "he was only a child"; "hopes that last but a moment"
    同义词:merely, simply, only, but, merely, simply, only, but
  4. only a moment ago; "he has just arrived"; "the sun just now came out"
    同义词:just now, just now
  5. indicating exactness or preciseness; "he was doing precisely (or exactly) what she had told him to do"; "it was just as he said--the jewel was gone"; "it has just enough salt"
    同义词:precisely, exactly, precisely, exactly
  6. absolutely; "I just can''t take it anymore"; "he was just grand as Romeo"; "it''s simply beautiful!"
    同义词:simply, simply
  7. only a very short time before; "they could barely hear the speaker"; "we hardly knew them"; "just missed being hit"; "had scarcely rung the bell when the door flew open"; "would have scarce arrived before she would have found some excuse to leave"- W.B.Yeats
    同义词:barely, hardly, scarcely, scarce, barely, hardly, scarcely, scarce
  8. exactly at this moment or the moment described; "we''ve just finished painting the walls, so don''t touch them";
  9. and nothing more; "I was merely asking"; "it is simply a matter of time"; "just a scratch"; "he was only a child"; "hopes that last but a moment"
    同义词:merely, simply, only, but, merely, simply, only, but
  10. only a moment ago; "he has just arrived"; "the sun just now came out"
    同义词:just now, just now
  11. indicating exactness or preciseness; "he was doing precisely (or exactly) what she had told him to do"; "it was just as he said--the jewel was gone"; "it has just enough salt"
    同义词:precisely, exactly, precisely, exactly
  12. absolutely; "I just can''t take it anymore"; "he was just grand as Romeo"; "it''s simply beautiful!"
    同义词:simply, simply
  1. of moral excellence; "a genuinely good person"; "a just cause"; "an upright and respectable man"
    同义词:good, upright



        justとは意味:1just adj. 正しい, 公正な. 【+前置詞】 ◆be just in one's dealings 処置が公正である ◆We must deal with the matter in a way which is just to all the people concerned. 関係者一同に公平であるようにその事件を取り扱ねばならない ◆He tried to be just towa...
        just meaning: Adverb: just    júst And nothing more "just a scratch" - merely , simply , only , but   Indicating exactness or preciseness "he was doing just what she ...
        just en francaisn. joute,combat de chevaliers à la lance adj. juste, honnête, exact, correct; convenable, propre, légitime, vrai, véridique adv.<...
        just artinya:adil
        just 뜻:phrase, justice a, 올바른, 공정한, , 당연한, 정당한, 무리 없는, 지당한, 정확한, 에누리없는, 바르게, 에누리 없이, 꼭, 겨우, 간신히, 방금, 다만, 불과, 아주, 전혀, ~ now 바로 지금, 이제 막, 이윽고
        just перевод:1) _ист. рыцарский поединок Ex: to engage in a just биться на поединке 2) обыкн. _pl. турнир 3) схватка, поединок (с соперником и т. п.); борьба, состязание 4) _ист. биться на поединке или турнире...


  1. jusslin 什么意思
  2. jussmann 什么意思
  3. jussy 什么意思
  4. jussy le chaudrier 什么意思
  5. jussy-le-chaudrier 什么意思
  6. just 2 hear them say 什么意思
  7. just 4 kicks 什么意思
  8. just a bit stupid 什么意思
  9. just a couple more details… 什么意思
  10. just a few lines 什么意思


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