launch time中文什么意思

发音:   用"launch time"造句
  • launch:    n. 汽艇,游艇。 a motor launch 摩托艇 ...
  • time:    n. 1.时,时间,时日,岁月。 2.时候,时刻;期间; ...
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  1. Analysis on the optimal launch time of new product
  2. Further details regarding launch timing and pricing will be revealed in the months ahead
  3. Nasa managers say the space shuttle is in good shape but rain may move into the area around launch time
  4. Nasa managers say the space shuttle is in good shape but rain may move into the area around launch time
  5. Because all tools and operations are available at launch time the xtras manager is no longer available in freehand mx
    因为在启动时就可以使用所有的工具和操作,所以freehandmx中不再提供xtrasmanager 。


Launch Time is a new concept for handling Ethernet packets proposed for the Linux kernel. It is an attempt to add some isochronous capability to the kernel by hinting at what time a packet should be sent out.


        launch:    n. 汽艇,游艇。 a motor launch 摩托艇 ...
        time:    n. 1.时,时间,时日,岁月。 2.时候,时刻;期间; ...
        time of launch:    发射时间
        launch-time tolerance:    发射时间容差
        launch:    vt. 1.使(船)下水。 launch a ship from a shipyard 使船从船坞下水。 2.发射;投出;提出,发出。 3.(把孩子等)送出;使独立谋生。 4.开办,创办;发动,发起;开展。 launch a man-made [an artificial] satellite 发射人造卫星。 launch an airplane 使飞机起飞。 launch a spear 投矛。 launch a torpedo 发射鱼雷。 launch into space a sputnik-ship 向太空发射人造卫星。 launch one's child in [into] the world 把子女送到社会上。 launch sb. in [into] business 使某人进入商界。 launch a new enterprise 创办新企业。 launch a fierce attack 开始猛攻。 launch a mass movement 开展群众运动。 launch a campaign of abuse 开始互骂。 launch threats against sb. 对某人发出威胁。 vi. 1.起飞,下水。 2. 投入。 3.开始,着手进行。 A bird launched off. 鸟飞走了。 launch into a strong rebuke 激烈斥责。 launch on one's study 开始学习。 launch upon the production of cars 开始生产汽车。 launch out 1. 船下水。 2. 出航 ( launch out on a journey 首途旅行)。 3. 开始 ( launch out in a new scheme 开始新的计划)。 4. 挥霍。 launch out into 1. 乘船出海;投身…(界)。 2. 开始,着手。 3. 挥霍 ( launch out into extravagance 大肆挥霍)。 n. 发射,下水。 launch of a new liner 新(定期)客轮[班机]下水[首航]。 n. 汽艇,游艇。 a motor launch 摩托艇。
        launch on:    开始, 着手
        to launch:    使下水
        cabin launch motor launch:    座舱艇
        submerged launch ; underwater launch:    水下发射
        abortive launch:    不成功的发射
        air-launch:    vt. 空中发射。
        ballistic launch:    弹道轨道发射
        boat launch:    船舶下水装置
        book launch:    图书发行会
        certification launch:    考核发射
        clean launch:    成功的发射
        clear launch:    正确发射
        coffin launch:    由箱形发装置发射
        cold launch:    冷发射
        commercial launch:    商务发射
        composite launch:    组合发射
        cusoms launch:    海关艇
        custom launch:    海关小艇
        customs launch:    海关艇
        date of launch:    下水日期


        launch timeとは意味:(ロケットの)発射時刻{はっしゃ じこく}
        launch time meaning:[Defence] The time at which an aircraft or missile is scheduled to be airborne. See also airborne order.


  1. launch success ratio 什么意思
  2. launch system 什么意思
  3. launch system data 什么意思
  4. launch the discus 什么意思
  5. launch the spacecraft to 什么意思
  6. launch trailer 什么意思
  7. launch trajectory 什么意思
  8. launch tug 什么意思
  9. launch vehicle 什么意思
  10. launch vehicle engine 什么意思



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