launch vehicle system中文什么意思

发音:   用"launch vehicle system"造句
  • launch vehicle:    运载火箭;活动发射装置。
  • system:    n. 1.体系,系统;分类法;组织;设备,装置。 2.方 ...
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  1. The beijing morning post quoted huang chunping , chief consultant for china ' s manned launching vehicle system , as saying the shenzhou 7 spacecraft would be ready this year
  2. The beijing morning post quoted huang chunping , chief consultant for china ' s manned launching vehicle system , as saying the shenzhou 7 spacecraft would be ready this year
  3. The beijing morning post quoted huang chunping , chief consultant for china ' s manned launching vehicle system , as saying the shenzhou 7 spacecraft would be ready this year
  4. The beijing morning post quoted huang chunping , chief consultant for china ' s manned launching vehicle system , as saying the shenzhou 7 spacecraft would be ready this year
    北京晨报刊登了黄春平(中国载人航天发射系统首席顾问)的话? ?神州7号将在年内建造完成。
  5. The beijing morning post quoted huang chunping , chief consultant for china ' s manned launching vehicle system , as saying the shenzhou 7 spacecraft would be ready this year



  1. launch trailer 什么意思
  2. launch trajectory 什么意思
  3. launch tug 什么意思
  4. launch vehicle 什么意思
  5. launch vehicle engine 什么意思
  6. launch verb 什么意思
  7. launch way 什么意思
  8. launch weight 什么意思
  9. launch window 什么意思
  10. launch window ; firing window 什么意思


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