licence fee中文什么意思

发音:   用"licence fee"造句
  • licence:    n. 1.许可,特许;许可证,特许证,执照。 2.放纵, ...
  • fee:    n. 1.报酬;薪水;公费;手续费;税;会费,学费,报名 ...
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  1. Reduce all industrial and commercial licence fees
  2. Broadcasting revision of licence fees regulation 2006
  3. Government proposes to reduce telecom licence fee
  4. Telecoms licence fee reduction proposal gazetted
  5. Licence fees for mobile stations to be reduced


        licence:    n. 1.许可,特许;许可证,特许证,执照。 2.放纵, ...
        fee:    n. 1.报酬;薪水;公费;手续费;税;会费,学费,报名 ...
        amortization of basic licence fee:    许可证费摊销
        export licence fee:    出口通关单费
        slaughterhouse licence fee:    屠房牌照费
        vehicle licence fee:    车辆牌照费
        full-cost recovery licence fee:    全面按成本计算的牌照费; 悉数收回牌照成本费用
        licence:    n. 1.许可,特许;许可证,特许证,执照。 2.放纵,放肆;(文艺、美术、音乐等的)奔放,不羁,破格。 a licence to sell spirits 出售酒类许可证。 give full licence to do sth. 授权放手做某事。 Have I your licence to remove the fence 你让我拆除这篱笆吗? a licence to practise medicine 行医执照。 apply for a driving licence 申请驾驶执照。 grant a marriage licence 颁发结婚证书。 special licence (坎特伯雷大主教所发)结婚特别许可证。 The invading troops displayed the most unbridled licence. 入侵军队胡作非为到了极点。 under licence 领有执照。 vt. 批准,许可;发许可证[执照]。 licence sb. to practise as a doctor 批准某人作开业医生。
        licence for this:    准许外卖酒类的执照
        on licence:    假释
        on-licence:    n. (店内可供堂饮的)酒吧营业执照 (opp. off-licence)。
        fee:    n. 1.报酬;薪水;公费;手续费;税;会费,学费,报名费,入场费。 2.赏金,小账。 3.【历史】(封建时代的)采邑,封地。 4.永租地;永业田,世袭地。 5.所有权;继承财产。 a doctor's fee for a visit 医生的出诊费。 a monthly fee 月薪。 a license fee 牌照费。 a membership fee 会费。 a school [tuition] fee 学费。 fee of permit 执照税,牌照税。 hold in fee (simple) 拥有无条件继承的权利。 vt. 1.给…发薪水,给…小费,向…交手续费,缴(会费)[学费](等)。 2.〔英国〕雇用,聘请。
        s fee:    代理人费
        academic licence:    教师证书
        amateur licence:    业务电台执照
        annual licence:    一年期执照
        applying for a licence:    申请牌照
        arm licence:    海员持枪证
        arms licence:    枪照
        banking licence:    银行牌照
        binary licence:    二进制代码文本专利
        blanket licence:    一揽子许可证; 总许可证
        block licence:    集体牌照
        brewery licence:    啤酒酿造厂牌照
        building licence:    建筑牌照;建屋牌照; 建筑许可证


        licence fee meaning:[Business] AmE spelling license licence fee ) (also licensing fee , especially in AmE ) noun [C] an amount of money paid to a business or an authority in order to obtain a licence: ...
        licence fee перевод:лицензионное вознаграждение


  1. licence block 什么意思
  2. licence bond 什么意思
  3. licence by estoppel 什么意思
  4. licence disc 什么意思
  5. licence expense 什么意思
  6. licence for a specific term 什么意思
  7. licence for possession 什么意思
  8. licence for the construction 什么意思
  9. licence for the export of commodities 什么意思
  10. licence for this 什么意思


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