often passive中文什么意思

发音:   用"often passive"造句
  • often:    adv. 常常,往往,屡次,再三。 How often ...
  • passive:    adj. (opp. active) 1.被动的;守势的 ...
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  1. The traditional ways of protecting heritage are often passive when facing the influence of tourism development , which makes the protection measures lag behind relatively


        often:    adv. 常常,往往,屡次,再三。 How often ...
        passive:    adj. (opp. active) 1.被动的;守势的 ...
        as often as:    尽可能经常
        as often as not:    往往, 多半
        often:    adv. 常常,往往,屡次,再三。 How often does the tram run? 这电车多久一班? as often as ...每当。 as often as not 屡次,往往。 often and often 屡次三番,经常。 more often than not 往往,多半,大概。 ★often 一般用于动词之前, be 及助动词之后;有时也用于句末以加强语气。 如:He often goes there. I've often been there. I haven't been there very often.
        often and often:    经常
        passive:    adj. (opp. active) 1.被动的;守势的。 2.不抵抗的;默从的;消极的。 3.【语法】被动语态的;被动式的 (opp. active); 【物、化】钝性的;钝态的;无源的;【医学】虚性的;【航空】不用发动机的;【法律】(公债等)无利息的。 the passive voice 被动语态。 passive operations 守势作战。 passive commerce 【商业】倚赖外国船的进出口贸易。 a passive net(work) 【电学】无源(电)网路。 the passive state 【化学】钝态。 n. 1.〔pl.〕被动消极的东西;被动性。 2.【语法】被动语态;被动式。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
        the passive:    被动语态
        more often than not=as often as not:    问一个短语
        and often syntactically:    句法上
        as is often the case:    情况常常如此; 这是常有的事
        as often as possible:    尽可能多的
        as often happens:    如同经常发生那样; 这种情况常常发生; 正如经常发生的那样
        but they most often:    但它们经常
        how often:    多长时间一次; 多久;多常; 多久一次(对频度副词提问)
        not happening often:    不常发生的
        not very often:    次数不多
        often approv:    常作褒义
        often before but not:    像往常一般
        often changing:    (在爱情和友谊上)不坚定的
        often derog:    常作贬义
        often euph:    常作委婉语
        often fig:    常作比喻
        often happens:    往往有之
        often hear:    习闻


  1. often ironic 什么意思
  2. often joc 什么意思
  3. often joc or derog 什么意思
  4. often just uncle monty 什么意思
  5. often make some excuse 什么意思
  6. often pl 什么意思
  7. often recall or think about 什么意思
  8. often sea esas part of a proper name 什么意思
  9. often seen in cases with 什么意思
  10. often sexist 什么意思


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