
[ red ] 发音:   用"red"造句
(redder reddest)
2.赤热的,(面孔)因…而胀红的 (with)。
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  1. The plates are insensitive to red light .
  2. Red lines were drawn under the topic sentences .
  3. He wagged his round red head .
  4. Red cells ferry oxygen throughout the body .
  5. The lightly equipped reds carried no tents .


  1. red color or pigment; the chromatic color resembling the hue of blood
  2. emotionally charged terms used to refer to extreme radicals or revolutionaries
    同义词:Bolshevik, Marxist, bolshie, bolshy
  3. the amount by which the cost of a business exceeds its revenue; "the company operated at a loss last year"; "the company operated in the red last year"
    同义词:loss, red ink
  1. characterized by violence or bloodshed; "writes of crimson deeds and barbaric days"- Andrea Parke; "fann''d by Conquest''s crimson wing"- Thomas Gray; "convulsed with red rage"- Hudson Strode
    同义词:crimson, violent
  2. of a color at the end of the color spectrum (next to orange); resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies
    同义词:reddish, ruddy, blood-red, carmine, cerise, cherry, cherry-red, crimson, ruby, ruby-red, scarlet
  3. (especially of the face) reddened or suffused with or as if with blood from emotion or exertion; "crimson with fury"; "turned red from exertion"; "with puffy reddened eyes"; "red-faced and violent"; "flushed (or crimson) with embarrassment"
    同义词:crimson, reddened, red-faced, flushed


fire, masculinity, danger, blood, Christmas, war



        redとは意味:1red n. 赤色; 赤字; 赤い服; 共産党員; 赤軍. 【動詞+】 ◆see red 激怒する, カッとなる 《牛が赤い布に興奮することから》 make sb see red 人を激怒させる. 【+動詞】 ◆The red goes beautifully with your hair. その赤はあなたの髪にぴったり合っている. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆His face turned bri...
        red meaning: Adjective: red (redder,reddest)   red Of a colour at the end of the colour spectrum (next to orange); resembling the colour of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies - reddish , ...
        red en francaisn. rouge, rougeur; déficit, débit (comptabilité); rouge, de l'extrême gauche (politique); libéral adj. rouge, sanguin, de couleur rouge
        red artinya:merah
        red 뜻:붉은, 빨간, 빨간색의, 적색의, (털.피부 등이)붉은, (노염.부끄럼 등으로)빨개진, 피에 물든, 핏발선, 불타는 듯한, 격심한(전쟁), 붉은, 과격한, 혁명적인, 적화된, 빨갱이의, 공산주의의, 북극을 가리키는, 북극의, 영령의(지도에서), 빨강, 빨간 색 , 적색, 빨간 그림물감(안료.도료.염료), 빨간것, 빨간 헝겊, 빨간 옷, 공산당원(주의자), ...
        red перевод:1) красный цвет Ex: deep red темно-красный цвет Ex: fiery red огненно-красный цвет Ex: she was dressed in red она была одета в красное Ex: the reds and browns of the wood in autumn красные и корич...


  1. reczey 什么意思
  2. reczi 什么意思
  3. reczik 什么意思
  4. reczno 什么意思
  5. rec’d pay’t = received payment 什么意思
  6. red (yellow) card 什么意思
  7. red (yellow)card 什么意思
  8. red -ring 什么意思
  9. red -spotted trout 什么意思
  10. red 2g 什么意思


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