Definition and nomenclature : resurvey on english identical sentence 再论英语对等句
Resurvey the historical status of zhen xue , the king of feng 对冯王郑薛历史定位的再审视
It is the time to resurvey , organize and plan our nation ' s ocean strategies as china ' s concern about the ocean strategies is not as sufficient as demanded by the challenging salutation 摘要已经到了一个必须对“国家海洋战略”进行重新审视、梳理和设计的时候,这是因为,中国对海洋战略的重视程度离挑战引发的需求还有不少差距。
Resurvey the column axis and elevation line , and mark out the column form line , 1 : 2 cement mortar will be used to leveling at the column bottom . “ 井 ” shape rack will be set around each column , and mark elevation control line on it 将柱轴线、标高线复测投点,弹出柱支模线,将柱脚支模处用1 : 2水泥砂浆找平,每根柱周围搭设井字架,在井字架上抄测标高控制线。
N . the new problem behavior scale for junior high school students can cover the problem behaviors among junior high school students . and it has high resurvey reliability . internal homogeneity reliability . construction and content validity . id ( 2 )自编的初中生问题行为量表能较为全面地反映初中生的常见问题行为,并且该量表具有较高的再测信度、内部同质性信度和较好的结构效度和内容效度。
resurveyとは意味:resurvey 再測量 さいそくりょう resurvey meaning: Noun: resurvey ree'survey A new survey or study Derived forms: resurveys Type of: study , survey resurvey en francais:v. repasser en revueresurvey 뜻:vt, noun, 재측량(재답사, 재열람)하다, 재측량, 재답사, 재열람