
[ 'spirit ] 发音:   用"spirit"造句
1.精神,心灵,灵魂 (opp. body, flesh)。
3.〔只用 sing.〕元气,志气;气概,气魄;勇气。
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  1. There is a new spirit rising in men .
  2. By evening i was in low spirits again .
  3. You are allowed 1 liter of spirits duty-free .
  4. My spirits exhausted i slept very soundly .
  5. The spirit of the festival lingers on .


  1. a fundamental emotional and activating principle determining one''s character
  2. an inclination or tendency of a certain kind; "he had a change of heart"
  3. animation and energy in action or expression; "it was a heavy play and the actors tried in vain to give life to it"
    同义词:liveliness, life, sprightliness
  4. the intended meaning of a communication
    同义词:intent, purport
  5. any incorporeal supernatural being that can become visible (or audible) to human beings
    同义词:disembodied spirit
  6. the vital principle or animating force within living things
  7. the state of a person''s emotions (especially with regard to pleasure or dejection); "his emotional state depended on her opinion"; "he was in good spirits"; "his spirit rose"
    同义词:emotional state
  8. the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people; "the feel of the city excited him"; "a clergyman improved the tone of the meeting"; "it had the smell of treason"
    同义词:tone, feel, feeling, flavor, flavour, look, smell
  1. infuse with spirit; "The company spirited him up"
    同义词:spirit up, inspirit


The English word spirit (from Latin spiritus "breath") has many differing meanings and connotations, most of them relating to a non-corporeal substance contrasted with the material body. The word spirit is often used metaphysically to refer to the consciousness or personality.



        spiritとは意味:1spirit n. (1) 心, 精神, 魂; 気持ち, 心的態度, 意識; 意図; 気分, 機嫌, 元気; 意気, 気力, 気概, 根性; 気質, …的な人; (時代の)精神, 気運, 雰囲気. 【動詞+】 ◆I admire their spirit. 彼らの精神を高く買う ◆The experience awakened the spirit of adventure in her. その...
        spirit meaning: Noun: spirit    spirit The vital principle or animating force within living things  The general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people - tone ,...
        spirit en francaisn. esprit, âme; fantôme; disposition; intention; vitalité; audace courage; moral, humeur; spiritueux, alcool v. revigorer, encourager, stimuler, spi...
        spirit artinya:jiwa
        spirit 뜻:noun, 정신, 영혼, 신, 유령, 생기, 기분, (정신면에서 본)사람, 인물, (사람들의)기질, 시대정신, (입법 따위의)정신, 알코올, catch a person's ~ 의기에 감동하다, give up the ~ 죽다
        spirit перевод:1) душа; дух Ex: spirit and matter дух и материя Ex: in (the) spirit мысленно, в душе Ex: the world of spirit духовный мир, духовная жизнь Ex: strong in spirit сильные духом Ex: poor in spirit _б...


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  7. spirit and essence 什么意思
  8. spirit and me 什么意思
  9. spirit and qi 什么意思
  10. spirit and root in pulse condition 什么意思



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