
[ θred ] 发音:   用"thread"造句
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  1. The needle-eye is too small to hold the thread .
  2. Threading a needle is an art in itself .
  3. The ship threaded her way between the hidden rocks .
  4. This rope is twisted from many threads .
  5. Eskimos use seal to make tough threads .


  1. the raised helical rib going around a screw
    同义词:screw thread
  2. a fine cord of twisted fibers (of cotton or silk or wool or nylon etc.) used in sewing and weaving
  3. the connections that link the various parts of an event or argument together; "I couldn''t follow his train of thought"; "he lost the thread of his argument"
    同义词:train of thought
  4. any long object resembling a thin line; "a mere ribbon of land"; "the lighted ribbon of traffic"; "from the air the road was a grey thread"; "a thread of smoke climbed upward"
  1. thread on or as if on a string; "string pearls on a string"; "the child drew glass beads on a string"; "thread dried cranberries"
    同义词:string, draw
  2. pass through or into; "thread tape"; "thread film"
  3. remove facial hair by tying a fine string around it and pulling at the string; "She had her eyebrows threaded"
  4. pass a thread through; "thread a needle"
  5. to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course; "the river winds through the hills"; "the path meanders through the vineyards"; "sometimes, the gout wanders through the entire body"
    同义词:weave, wind, meander, wander



        threadとは意味:thread n. 糸; 続き, (話 議論の)筋道, 脈絡; ねじ山. 【動詞+】 ◆cut the thread of life 生命の糸を絶つ ◆I was unable to follow the thread of his argument. 彼の議論の筋をたどっていけなかった ◆gather threads (together) 糸を合わせる Let's see if we can ...
        thread meaning: Verb: thread    thred To move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course - weave , wind , meander , wander   Pass a thread through "thread a needle&quo...
        thread en francaisn. filament, fil, mèche; filet (eau, fumée,lumière); fil; brin, bout; filet (vis); filetage; effilochage; fil de discussion, série d'articles sur un sujet déterminé sur lnter...
        thread artinya:benang
        thread 뜻:noun, 실, 섬유, 재봉실, 끈 실, 가는 것, 줄, 섬조, (이야기의)줄거리, 연속, (인간의) 수명. cut one's mortal ~ 죽다, hang by (on, upon) a ~ 위기 일발이다, ~ and thrum 옥석 혼효 vt, (바늘에) 실을 꿰다, (구술 따위를) 실에 꿰다, 누비듯이(헤치며)지나가다, 나삿니를 내다
        thread перевод:1) нитка, нить Ex: strong thread крепкая нитка Ex: gold thread золотая нить Ex: sewing thread швейная нитка Ex: thread gloves нитяные перчатки 2) связующая линия; связь Ex: the thread of a story...


  1. thraustomycin 什么意思
  2. thrawn 什么意思
  3. thrawn grand admiral 什么意思
  4. thrayne 什么意思
  5. thre ology 什么意思
  6. thread (of a screw) 什么意思
  7. thread a needle 什么意思
  8. thread alternating 什么意思
  9. thread an unthread tree 什么意思
  10. thread and thrum 什么意思


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