the syllable naming the seventh (subtonic) note of any musical scale in solmization 同义词:te, si
shrub with terminal tufts of elongated leaves used locally for thatching and clothing; thick sweet roots are used as food; tropical southeastern Asia, Australia and Hawaii 同义词:Cordyline terminalis
TI {略-1} : tape inverter テープインバータ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <...
ti meaning: Noun: ti tee Shrub with terminal tufts of elongated leaves used locally for thatching and clothing; thick sweet roots are used as food; tropical southeastern Asia, Australia and Ha...ti en francais:n. ti, symbole chimique du titanium (chimie)ti artinya:titi 뜻:noun, 시(음계의 제7음)ti перевод:сокр. от technical information техническая информация; технические данные TI сокр. от technical information техническая информация; технические данные