tweeker: A methamphetamine user. Tweekers are known for their extreme paranoia, flagrant dishonesty, and lack of non-tweeker friends. A tweeker will steal your stuff and then help you look for it. ; > If you let those god damned tweekers come to your party, don't expect to have your stereo in the morning. ; tweekas: Someone who hoes around and known as slut. She is sumtimes known aas the best hoe around and all homies pass her around. She doesnt care about her self she goes from boy to boy. ; > You should stop messing with more than one man or they gonna start calling you a tweeka![hoe] [slut] [whore] ; tweekers: A methamphetamine user. Tweekers are known for their extreme paranoia, flagrant dishonesty, and lack of non-tweeker friends. A tweeker will steal your stuff and then help you look for it. ; > If you let those god damned tweekers come to your party, don't expect to have your stereo in the morning. ; tweeka: Someone who hoes around and known as slut. She is sumtimes known aas the best hoe around and all homies pass her around. She doesnt care about her self she goes from boy to boy. ; > You should stop messing with more than one man or they gonna start calling you a tweeka![hoe] [slut] [whore] ; tweel blocks: 门砖 tweeg: [网络] 镊子 tweeled: [网络] 被打了 tweedy's trachoma forceps: 《英汉医学词典》Tweedy's trachoma forceps ; 特威迪沙眼镊 tweels: [网络] 小提琴 tweedy trachoma forceps: 《英汉医学词典》Tweedy trachoma forceps ; 特威迪沙眼镊
tweeked meaning:[American slang] mod. alcohol intoxicated. (Collegiate.) • They're not really bombed— just tweeked a little. • Fred was too tweeked to stand up. tweeked перевод:adj AmE slShe was too tweeked to stand up — Она так закосела, что уже не могла подняться