- it英语什么意思:n.〔英口〕意大利苦艾酒。短语和例子pron.(sing. Nom. It obj. it poss. Its pl. nom. They obj. them poss. Their) 它,这。1.〔指已说过的东西,指无生命的东西,也可指不分性别的幼儿、动物〕。 Is this the peony No, it is the tree-peony. 这是芍药吗? 不,这是牡丹。 He took a stone and threw it. 他拾起一块石头,把它扔了出去。 The child lost its way. 这孩子迷路了。2.〔指心中记着或成为问题的人物、事情和行为〕。 Go and see who it is. 去看看是谁? It's me. 〔口语〕是我 (=It is I.)。 Oh, it's you! 哦,是你呀! It's the girls having their rehearsal. 是女同学在排戏。 It's the wind shaking the window. 是风刮得窗户响。3.〔用作无人称动词的主语,或表示天气、时日、距离、状态、情况、事体、温度、问候语等〕。 It rains. 下雨了。 It is cold. 天冷。 It is a long way to the sea. 离海很远。 It is five minutes' walk. 要走五分钟。 Is it well with you 你身体好吗? We had a splendid time of it. 那时候我们真快乐。 There it is, do what you like. 好罢,你高兴怎样就怎样办。 Run for it 逃走。4.〔预用 it 代表其后所说的事实上的主语[受词]〕。 It is right to do so. 这样做是对的。 It is no use trying. 试也无用。 It is certain that we shall succeed. 我们是一定会成功的。 It is a nuisance, this delay. 这样拖延,实在是讨厌。 I don't think it worthwhile taking such trouble. 我想不值得费这么大的事了。5.〔作先行代词,用于表示强调的句型中〕。 It is the factory that we have been wanting to visit. 这就是我们一直想访问的工厂。 It was here that I first met him. 这就是我初次与他见面的地方。 It is I that am fortunate. 幸运的是我〔句中动词应和 I 的人称数相一致〕。6.〔用于作及物动词用的名词之后作受词〕。 Cab it 坐车去。 Foot it 走。 Lord it 摆架子。 Queen it 扮演女王;玩女王派头。7.〔口语中用作某种动词的含糊的受词〕。短语和例子n.1.〔俚语〕绝妙的人;理想的东西;登峰造极。 In a lilac sun bonnet she was it. 她戴着一顶紫色遮阳帽,漂亮极了。 For barefaced lying you are really it. 以无耻造谣而论,你真算得上天下第一。 ★作此义解时,通常写作斜体并加重发音。2.〔口语〕性的魅力。 Have it 有性感。3.〔美俚〕傻瓜,笨蛋。4.(瞎子摸鱼游戏中的)瞎子。5.〔俚语〕讨厌的人。 He is a perfectly it. 他太讨厌了。6.〔常作 I-〕自大的人,自负者。7.〔英口〕 = Italian vermouth.
- it法语什么意思:IT (消歧义)