affine curvature造句

"affine curvature"是什么意思   


  1. In the plane, this gives a single scalar invariant, the affine curvature of the curve.
  2. Where the general affine group is not used, the special affine curvature " k " is sometimes also called the affine curvature.
  3. Where the general affine group is not used, the special affine curvature " k " is sometimes also called the affine curvature.
  4. *Given any continuous function " k " : [ " a ", " b " ] ?! "'R "', there exists a curve ? whose first and second derivatives are linearly independent, such that the special affine curvature of ? relative to the special affine parameterization is equal to the given function " k ".
  5. It's difficult to find affine curvature in a sentence. 用affine curvature造句挺难的


  1. "affine coordinate"造句
  2. "affine coordinate ring"造句
  3. "affine coordinate system"造句
  4. "affine coordinates"造句
  5. "affine coxeter group"造句
  6. "affine curve"造句
  7. "affine deformation"造句
  8. "affine differential geometry"造句
  9. "affine distance"造句
  10. "affine distortion"造句

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