affine curve造句

"affine curve"是什么意思   


  1. for the regular curves, we find two killing fields for the purpose of integrating the structural equations of the p-elastic curves and express the p-elastica by quadratures in a system of cylindrical coordinates . for the star-like affine curves, we solve the euler-lagrange equation by quadratures and reduced the higher order structure equation to a first order linear system by using killing field and the classification of linear lie algebra sl ( 2, r ), sl ( 3, r ) and sl ( 4, r ) . we solve the centroaffine p-elastica completely by quadratures
  2. It's difficult to find affine curve in a sentence. 用affine curve造句挺难的


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  7. "affine differential geometry"造句
  8. "affine distance"造句
  9. "affine distortion"造句
  10. "affine dynkin diagram"造句

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