


  1. Aleutian mask dance aleutian islands
  2. Protocol of counter immunoelectrophoresis for mink aleutian disease
  3. April 1 , 1946 , the aleutian islands to the waters of the tsunami , waves 35 meters
  4. Investigate legislative options to improve spill prevention / response capability along the aleutian route
  5. Requirement / request that all vessels transiting the aleutian route subscribe to / participate in the vessel tracking / monitoring system
  6. It's difficult to find aleutian in a sentence. 用aleutian造句挺难的
  7. The bering sea is the large marine region enclosed by the russian and alaskan coastlines , the aleutian islands , and the bering strait
  8. The reason so many large vessels meet unhappy ends in the aleutians has to do with the geography of international shipping
  9. The 654 - foot ship rolled onto its side south of the aleutian islands , forcing a dramatic helicopter rescue of the crew last night
  10. As the waves from the aleutian earthquake hit the hawaiian islands , they were driven ashore in a few places as a rapidly moving wall of water up to 6 meters high
  11. Vessels over 300 gross tonnes must carry automatic identification system ( ais ) transmitters , but the two ais receivers in the aleutians only cover about 10 % of the islands
    尽管毛重超过300吨的船只必须携带自动识别系统( ais )发射器,但阿留申群岛上仅有的两个接受器只能覆盖岛屿的10 。
  12. The ssp is working to improve shipping safety along primary north pacific cargo shipping routes , in particular along the " great circle route " through the aleutian islands / southern bering sea
  13. Improved spill response capability along the aleutian route - booms , lightering capability , skimmers , pumps , barges / bladders , training / contracting of local residents in spill response , etc
  14. An estimated 3 , 100 large vessels thread between the islands each year on their way west , and a similar number travel the eastward route across the north pacific just south of the aleutians
    据估计,每年西行的船只中,有3100艘会在各个岛屿间穿梭,还有差不多数目的船只穿过北太平洋(距阿留申群岛也不远) ,向东面航行。
  15. If memory serves , last year when one of our navy patrol aircraft crashed off the aleutians , one of your fishing vessels ” it had been an intelligence trawler “ picked up the crew , saved their lives
    要是我没有记错的话,去年,我们的一架海军巡逻飞机在阿留申群岛外出了事,你们的一艘渔轮" - -那是一艘搜集情报的拖网渔船- - "打捞起了机上的人员,救了他们的命。
  16. Choices are : eastern , central , mountain , pacific , alaska , hawaii , aleutian , arizona east - indiana , indiana - starke , michigan , samoa , other base - config tzconfig choose country zone us select eastern if you told it you re in canada
    请参考usr share zoneinf中的选项base - config tzconfig preseed zone string us eastern时区的预先设置曾经很复杂,旧的设定方式将完整描述于下文,如果您正在使用sarge ,您需要下面的方法。
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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