alloxylon flammeum造句


  1. "Alloxylon flammeum " can be distinguished from the co-occurring " Alloxylon wickhamii " by its hairy stems and petioles.
  2. Although it is not widely cultivated, " Alloxylon flammeum " has proven to be by far the most hardy and adaptable ( as well as the showiest ) member of the genus " Alloxylon ", Yellowing of new leaves may indicate chlorosis from iron sulphate.
  3. "Alloxylon flammeum " and the other three tree waratah species lie in the subtribe sister species, with " A . wickhamii " as their next closest relative . " A . flammeum " has yellow pollen grains, like " A . brachycarpum " and " A . wickhamii " but unlike all other members of the Embothriinae.
  4. It's difficult to find alloxylon flammeum in a sentence. 用alloxylon flammeum造句挺难的


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