alloxylon pinnatum造句


  1. Classified as " near threatened " under the Queensland Nature Conservation Act 1992, " Alloxylon pinnatum " has proven difficult to keep alive in cultivation.
  2. "Alloxylon pinnatum " and the other three tree waratah species lie in the subtribe Embothriinae, along with the true waratahs ( " Telopea " ), " Oreocallis " and the Chilean firetree ( " Embothrium coccineum " ) from South America.
  3. Each seed is separated from the others by a membranous separator, and has a long rectangular wing, which is much longer than the seed itself . " Alloxylon pinnatum " can be distinguished from other members of the genus " Alloxylon " by its pinnate adult leaves.
  4. It's difficult to find alloxylon pinnatum in a sentence. 用alloxylon pinnatum造句挺难的


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