claus westermann造句


  1. In 1949, Claus Westermann earned his doctoral degree in Zurich under Zimmerli for his dissertation " Das Loben Gottes in den Psalmen " ( " Praise of God in the Psalms " ).
  2. In 1996, a " Festschrift " was published in his honor . " Problems in Biblical Theology : Essays in Honor of Rolf Knierim " ( ISBN 0-8028-3803-0 ) included contributions from scholars such as Klaus Koch, Wolfhart Pannenberg, Rolf Rendtorff, James A . Sanders, and Claus Westermann.
  3. As a comparative religion scholar who drew parallels between the Genesis creation story and the Santal creation traditions, Timotheas attributes the lead given by Old Testament's leading Scholar, Claus Westermann, " " Our very extensive knowledge of literature about creation and primeval time does not allow us to draw a sharp line of distinction between the high cultures and the primitive cultures and then to exclude the latter from the pre-history of the biblical story of primeval events . ""
  4. It's difficult to find claus westermann in a sentence. 用claus westermann造句挺难的


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