colour tv studio造句

"colour tv studio"是什么意思   


  1. To prevent this leading to total domination by London, three large " Network Production Centres " ( NPC ), each one having its own medium-size colour TV studio  BBC Bristol, BBC Birmingham and BBC Manchester  were established in the headquarters of the former regions, to produce programming for national broadcast across the entire United Kingdom.
  2. It's difficult to find colour tv studio in a sentence. 用colour tv studio造句挺难的


  1. "colour tv"造句
  2. "colour tv case"造句
  3. "colour tv picture tube"造句
  4. "colour tv scam"造句
  5. "colour tv set"造句
  6. "colour tvs"造句
  7. "colour type"造句
  8. "colour uniformity"造句
  9. "colour up"造句
  10. "colour value"造句

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