
engineering mechanic造句

"engineering mechanic"是什么意思   


  1. Test reforms in engineering mechanics teaching
  2. Matlab used in teaching engineering mechanics
  3. Consideration on the course reform of engineering mechanics of vocational institute
  4. On quality requirementsfor the teaching linksof engineering mechanics
  5. Change of engineering mechanics character of loess and controlling factors
  6. It's difficult to find engineering mechanic in a sentence. 用engineering mechanic造句挺难的
  7. Applications of multimedia technique in engineering mechanics teaching
  8. Intensifying the development of students ' comprehensiveabilities in reforming the instruction of engineering mechanics
  9. Engineering basic knowledge , include engineering material , engineering mechanics , drawing drafting , gd & t , etc
  10. Abstract : the engineering mechanics properties of soft foundation rock under the second changjiang bridge in nanjing are represented
  11. Bachelor ' s degree in mechanical engineering , engineering mechanics , mechanical design , industrial technology or equivalent
  12. G . w . housner et al . structural control : past , present , and future [ j ] . journal of engineering mechanics . asce . 1997 ( 123 ) : 897 - 971
    欧进萍.土木工程结构振动的智能控制研究与发展[ c ] .国际结构控制与健康诊断研讨会论文集. 2000 ( 12 ) : 103
  13. Jenq y s , shah s p . two parameter fracture model for concrete j . journal of engineering mechanics , 1985 , 111 ( 10 ) : 1227 - 1241
    金南国,金贤玉,郑砚国,等.早龄期混凝土断裂性能和微观结构的试验研究j .浙江大学学报:工学版.待发表
  14. Our products are broadly applied in aspects of mining mechanics , engineering mechanics , metallurgical equipment , paper milling equipment , construction mechanics , ship and military industry etc . fields
  15. In october 1998 , in order to further promote interaction and combination of different disciplines , the department of engineering mechanics and the department of thermal engineering were incorporated into the school of mechanical engineering
    2003年成立工业工程系。 2004年5月18日,我校成立航天航空学院,力学工程系划归该学院。
  16. With the application of field theories , processing methods of the power function , dam theories and engineering mechanics and three - dimensional vector , there is created space displacement field distribution model
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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