
engineering name造句

"engineering name"是什么意思   


  1. About the year 1740 a whitehaven mining engineer named spedding invented an illuminating machine called a steel mill .
  2. She met a man on one of her trains , a very successful and famous engineer named fred cooper . he was attracted to her . they had three dates and they got married
  3. The present development of soil reinforcement ( rs ) was initiated by a french engineer named vidal ( 1966 ) and even treated as a revolution in civil engineering in recent years
  4. Apdl language is applied for parametric design and fea of spatial integral structure and demonstrated properly . parametric modeling will come true attributed to the interface of pro / engineer named pro / toolkit , what lay the foundations of pro / nc and achieve planar engineering drawing that make understood easily
    Pro engineer的二次开发接口pro toolkit实现了空间整体结构在cad环境下进行参数化建模,并为cam环境下进行pro nc奠定良好的基础,最终在pro detail中实现二维工程图,为工程的可读性做了良好的铺垫。
  5. Chapter 3 discusses the interface of pro / engineer named pro / toolkit applied for redevelopment and pro / detail applied for engineering drawing , also brings forward a conception that parametric design in redevelopment and the method to transfer integral structure into planar engineering drawing , which will be achieved all under the circumstance of template
    第三章对pro engineer的二次开发接口pro toolkit与工程图pro detail进行了介绍,并对pro toolkit进行参数化结构设计中关于其二次开发应用以及所生成的整体结构如何转换到二维工程图进行了详细的叙述,最终在智能模板环境中得到实现。
  6. It's difficult to find engineering name in a sentence. 用engineering name造句挺难的


  1. "engineering methodology"造句
  2. "engineering methods"造句
  3. "engineering metrology"造句
  4. "engineering mockup"造句
  5. "engineering model"造句
  6. "engineering news"造句
  7. "engineering news record"造句
  8. "engineering news record magazine"造句
  9. "engineering noise"造句
  10. "engineering notation"造句

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