gospel train造句


  1. The station is currently owned by Gospel Train Ministry.
  2. Later that year, Malaco released its first gospel record, " Gospel Train " by the Golden Nuggets.
  3. Meeting, Rimini directing a choir of 100 plus voices, in which the audience of 5000 plus enthusiastically created a living Gospel train.
  4. Although " The Gospel Train " is usually cited as traditional, several sources credit a Baptist minister from New Hampshire, John Chamberlain, with writing it.
  5. They toured the gospel circuit for a number of years, during which they recorded hits such as " Up Above My Head " and " Gospel Train ".
  6. It's difficult to find gospel train in a sentence. 用gospel train造句挺难的
  7. Spanish language news and music on " Noche De Fiesta "; music and news for the African-American community on " The Elmer Akins Gospel Train ".
  8. The Band also completed a UK tour the " Gospel Train " during May and June 2006 where they travelled the North Scotland Division of The Salvation Army visiting Blairgowrie.
  9. Noche de Fiesta and Dr . Hepcat Show were phased out in the 1960s, but The Elmer Akins Gospel Train is on the air on KVET to this day.
  10. Spanish language news and music on " Noche De Fiesta "; music and news for the African-American community on " The Elmer Akins Gospel Train ".
  11. Through the Music Maker Relief Foundation, he recorded the album " Gospel Train " ( 2005 ), where he turned to play an acoustic guitar and harmonica.
  12. Like The Mills Brothers in popular music, they would often include vocal special effects in their songs, imitating train sounds in songs such as " Golden Gate Gospel Train ".
  13. The " Gospel Train With James Figgs ", " Guest DJ Day " where local residents could be a DJ, and previously Delta Academy sports play-by-play.
  14. In his 2011 album " So Beautiful or So What " musician Paul Simon used excerpts from their 1938 recording of " Golden Gate Gospel Train " to mix into the song " Love & Blessings ".
  15. This became the last promo video for the duo although there was a video for 1995 single " Gospel Train to London " which was released under the name The New London Boys, despite being the same duo.
  16. And when you see a freight train being switched around, it's fun to turn on " Gospel Train " and sing, " Git on board, little chillun, git on board !"
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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