
lateral vein造句

"lateral vein"是什么意思   


  1. Leaves leathery , ovate or elliptic , 7 - 12 cm long , 3 . 5 - 5 cm wide , apex short acute , base rounded or cordate , upper surface green , glossy , lateral veins 6 - 8 pairs , impressed adaxially and prominent abaxially
    叶革质,卵形或椭圆形,长7 - 12厘米,宽3 . 5 - 5厘米,先端短急尖,基部圆形或心形,上面亮绿色,侧脉6 - 8对,在上面凹陷,在下面突起。
  2. Numerous small rounded dark brown or black necrotic patches in green leaves ; patches often in groups or rows close to midrib or major lateral veins , towards centre or basal areas of leaflects ; petioles green and healthy
  3. Leaves ternate ; leaflets papery or nearly leathery , ovate to ovate - elliptic , 6 - 15 cm long and 3 - 7 cm wide , apex abruptly acuminate , base rounded to subcordate , entire , both surfaces glabrous ; basal veins 3 , lateral veins 4 - or 5 - paired , conspicuous on both surfaces ; petiolules 1 . 5 - 2 cm long , glabrous
    叶为三出复叶;小叶纸质或近革质,卵形至卵状椭圆形,长6 - 15厘米,宽3 - 7厘米,先端突尖,基部圆形至近心形,全缘,两面无毛;常有基出3出脉,侧脉4 - 5对,两面均明显;小叶柄长1 . 5 - 2厘米,无毛。
  4. It's difficult to find lateral vein in a sentence. 用lateral vein造句挺难的


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